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  1. #1
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Live tourney hand discussion

    Alright, so I was playing a live tourney tonight and was involved in an interesting hand. Buy in was $260, a 100k gtd. My table was full of limping/calling most raises pre flop. At the time of this hand, blinds were 100/200/25. Starting stack was 20,000. I had 35,000 before hand and villain had 22,000.

    9 handed, folds around to highjack, villain limps. cutoff folds and I have A8 diamonds on the button. I think about raising in an attempt to take it down or isolate and play against villain hu but I decide to just call the 200. Small blind folds and big blind decides to make it 800. Villain calls and I also call and go 3 way to the flop in position. Flop comes down 5 6 7 with 1 diamond. BB leads for 1k and villain calls. I think about semi bluffing with my open ender but again decide to just call.

    Turn brings a 4 of diamonds, my money card. Now have top end of straight and nut flush draw. BB leads again, this time for 2k. Villain min raises to 4k. I had no doubt villain had a straight, but wasn't sure if I should just call or put in another raise. I think for a second and make it 9k, with the mindset that I would be free rolling with the flush draw. BB folds, villain moves all in for 13k more, and i decide i can't fold getting almost 3 to 1 even though it feels like 8-9. Sure enough he has 89, river was a brick.

    Notes on opponent: liked to limp and see a lot of flops with wide range of hands, called off a lot of value bets by opponents, not super aggressive.

    My question is: is it a mistake to re-raise the turn or does it make sense to get more money in when that is way more often a spot where i'm free rolling vs just hoping for a flush? If I flat and the flush comes, i don't know how much value i'd get.

    Let me know thoughts, always okay with constructive criticism.


  2. #2
    LLB King
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    I don't like the limp and especially don't like calling the BBs raise here. But the hand was pretty straight forward post flop and the money would have went in on the river regardless of if you raised the turn or not.
    Pray4Spades : you should really have actually played the game out
    emilbiz :cry about it bitch
    emilbiz :no the game was done
    emilbiz :i knew from the 3rd move
    emilbiz: that i had no chance

  3. #3
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    I should've probably raised from button, but I was getting 3-1 in position with a Suited ace and a lot of chips so yeah why not see a flop. As to the money going in regardless on river, idk. I would at least lost less because he would of had 18k still and pot around 12 or 13k. if he over shoved river or made a pot sized bet it's possible i fold since really just praying for a chop, but idk.


  4. #4
    PokerOwned God Drywallman3's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Villain sounds like me.......

    20:58 <Poof> I would trade my husband for gisele
    18:37 <thepokerkid> @thepokerkid: and stop thinking about gay things

  5. #5
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by RcktWrangler View Post
    I should've probably raised from button, but I was getting 3-1 in position with a Suited ace and a lot of chips so yeah why not see a flop. As to the money going in regardless on river, idk. I would at least lost less because he would of had 18k still and pot around 12 or 13k. if he over shoved river or made a pot sized bet it's possible i fold since really just praying for a chop, but idk.
    I agree with this, I play live a lot and see a lot of players like this, only way you get him out of hand is shove pre flop, which is obv not the right move at this pt. These guys like to see flops and have mindset that any2 can win and these are the kind of hands they play for. Knowing that, this early I'd of called the turn raise, as these guys rarely aggressively bluff, usually just play their hand, which with a raise after turn and 2 of you still in it, he is almost definitely value betting (way to low of one with flush draw on board, but thats what they do), so you are either freerolling flush draw as you said, or behind, and honestly, I think these guys that play like this put you on a bluff most of the time so if flush hits, I think you can get the extra 5k with a bet if the diamond hit on river.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    It is a mistake to reraise the turn into multiple opponents. Yes you can be freerolling occasionally but the most likely 8x hands are 78 or 89. Since there's a 7 on the board there's now more combos of 89 possible than 87. What you have is a hand that might be good sometimes but if you are behind you want to realize your equity. This means that you don't want to fold out your 7 diamonds to the nuts and 2 other diamonds to a nut flush. Also min raises live are so strong by amateurs. Especially on turns. Im flatting the 4k and not even loving the spot to be totally honest. I know that sounds nitty but the reverse implied odds and change of having second best hand are threatening. Also I think a squeeze preflop or fold is best. And I don't really like the limp call with A8 multiway. Just flopping two diamonds is just as hard as flopping a set. And A6-A9 suited or not are junky hands unless very deep. A2-A5s can flop wheel draws and keep you out of trouble. A10+ are the idea aces that can make broadways and good top pair hands that are likely to remain top pair on turns and rivers. Just fold pre

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    If you factor in the ante 25, this is probably a squeeze preflop. 925 in the pot. im going to overbet and try to get heads up or take it down. I think a nice 1200-1500 squeeze is good live. I wouldn't even mind like a 2x pot overbet pre. Mash like 2k take it down

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