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  1. #1
    Seasoned Veteran J_Slice's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011

    J_Slice's Cash Game Thread

    This is just gonna be a thread to track my progress as I attempt to grind my way up through the micro stakes on Carbon poker. Just a place to put my thoughts, results, hands I have trouble with or was unsure of, brags, bad beats, etc. Feel free to post questions, comments, etc. Just please dont post here for the sake of posting and getting points, please do that somewhere else if you must.

    So a little bit of a backstory...

    I am currently 22 years old, and have been playing poker recreationally for about 5 years. It started with homegames with several friends, nothing too serious just something to do and have a few drinks. Really none of us knew what we were doing, out of the 10 or so people that would play.

    I had never played online until I seen some ads either online or on the television for PartyPoker. I installed it and messed around with play money for a while. The game interested me from the start and I started looking online for strategies and other info on the game. I ran across a few forums in which I liked from the start and started reading as many posts as I could. Most of the things I read I had no idea what I was reading yet I kept reading. I tried to use some of the concepts I read while playing playmoney but still had no idea what I was doing.

    I started getting better and spent many hours reading, I moved to full tilt after hearing that there was free entry into tournaments that paid out in real money. I played these nightly for a while but never made anything significant. I continued to play with playchips and started doing good. I made my way up to 100k and before I knew it I was at 20m or so. I felt like a pro and decided I should deposit some real money, well, $50 was real to a young kid making min. wage at a fast food joint.

    I put the money on and within seconds I had $50 on my online poker account. It was time to make thousands... That was the idea at least. I jumped onto a 10NL table (the lowest stakes on FTP at the time) and started playing. I started doing good, made several buy-ins and felt great. Then all hell broke loose, before I knew it I was down half my roll in a day. So I turned back to studying as much as possible.

    Eventually I found my way to $1 and $2 sit and go tables and found they were similar to my regular homegame tourneys. I read as much as I could about them and started playing a few of those every day for quite a while and slowly made it to about $80 or so. Then I had to move and lost access to the internet for about a year so I ended up cashing out most of my money.

    Eventually I got the internet back and started the journey again. By then I had withdrew everything in my roll except around $4 or so and started just playing two tables of 2NL at Full Tilt. Slowly my bankroll grew until I was finally properly rolled for 2NL. I started at two tables and slowly made my way to comfortably grinding 10-12 tables.

    Before Black Friday I was up to being rolled for 10NL and had only just started those stakes. So as of now all my poker funds are tied up in the whole Full Tilt mess so who knows when I will have that money, if ever.

    So I have started freerolling on Carbon and joined this site to participate in the freerolls and become part of the forum. I have cashed in a few of the freerolls so far and started playing the lowest limit NL cash games on Carbon, 4NL. I'll continue to participate in the freerolls until I am properly rolled for 4NL with 20 buy-ins, or until FTP releases funds to US players but Im not holding my breath on that.

    Um yeah, sorry for the the long post haha. So Im gonna wrap this up and go watch game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals. Will probably update this thread later tonight after the game with where I am currently at in terms of bankroll and stuff, maybe a couple hands, have to look through my database.

    tl;dr cliffs:

    - Just a thread to track my progress grinding through micro stakes NL holdem on Carbon
    - Was grinding 10NL on FTP until Black Friday
    - Found this site started freerolling and grinding my way up from scratch
    - Feel free to post questions, comments, etc. Please dont spam though

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    wow good luck... i hope you do well with it

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    good luck, to be 22 with big dreams, enjoy it, soon your 40, wih a bald melon.

  4. #4
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Good luck with your plans, keep us informed.

  5. #5
    PokerOwned God SendCookies's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Very nice post. I hope you are aware of the FunStep's and if you are not please feel free to PM me as this is the quickest way to $1 on Carbon. Then it's the .11 cent SnG Bumblebee room. Play these until about 10 dollars in BR. At this point you can make a decision to go to .60 Fast Fifty SnG's, go play the $2.20 bounty SnG''s, or build up to $20 before going on to $2 bounty SnG's. The .60 fast fifty is actually a .50 plus .10 fee so, that is why I don't like em. I skip $1 double ups on carbon cuz they just are not worth it on the site currently. Like I said feel free to PM or anyone else for that matter. If you have no luck on FunStep fell free to ask me for a 'stake' via PM. GL all. -Cookies

  6. #6
    Elite PokerOwned Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    good luck and success, you enjoy it today in the fullness

  7. #7
    Seasoned Veteran J_Slice's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Thanks all for the good luck wishes, very much appreciated.

    Quote Originally Posted by marlydog1812 View Post
    good luck, to be 22 with big dreams, enjoy it, soon your 40, wih a bald melon.
    I hope to not be bald when I get older. Although my mother has very thick hair, my father is well... lacking =P

    Quote Originally Posted by SendCookies View Post
    Very nice post. I hope you are aware of the FunStep's and if you are not please feel free to PM me as this is the quickest way to $1 on Carbon. Then it's the .11 cent SnG Bumblebee room. Play these until about 10 dollars in BR. At this point you can make a decision to go to .60 Fast Fifty SnG's, go play the $2.20 bounty SnG''s, or build up to $20 before going on to $2 bounty SnG's. The .60 fast fifty is actually a .50 plus .10 fee so, that is why I don't like em. I skip $1 double ups on carbon cuz they just are not worth it on the site currently. Like I said feel free to PM or anyone else for that matter. If you have no luck on FunStep fell free to ask me for a 'stake' via PM. GL all. -Cookies
    Thanks a lot for the advice! I am aware of the the Fun Steps SnGs but have not played in any. Definitely something I will keep in mind but as of late I play only cash games and the PokerOwned freerolls. Time restraints are a factor and it is more convenient to be able to sit out when needed in cash games.. And thank you for the staking offer, I will remember that if I ever need it =P

    Will post later what I am currently at in terms of BR and stuff before I start my first session for today. First... lunch haha.

  8. #8
    Seasoned Veteran J_Slice's Avatar
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    May 2011
    Ok so about to start the first session for today. As of now I am just 4 tabling 4NL since I dont really have the roll yet to be doing anymore. So lol volume. I am still getting used to the Merge software and getting everything situated cleanly with my HUD too but hopefully I can chip up and fire up more tables and start getting more hands in per hour.

    Starting bankroll as of now is $28.01. Many thanks to PokerOwned for getting me started. Will porbably post later an update and maybe some hands from this session if anything interesting comes up. Later.

  9. #9
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    good luck to you, hope you make more money money money.....

  10. #10
    Elite PokerOwned Member
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Well loks like you are doing fine, good luck and tell us how you are doing.

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