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  1. #11
    PokerOwned Demi-God rghy2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wagon596 View Post
    I have to say that I'm a consistant winner. I'm not trying to brag but just trying to answer the question. The deal is, I'm a freeroll/micro player. I stay away from NL cash games and most of the time I even stay away from limit games. Why you ask, it's because I suck at cash games. I just play MTT's and SNG's. Something that was a hard thing for me to learn and accept is, just because I'm a good player at low stakes doesn't mean I'll be able to win at higher stakes. So play around to find your comfort zone. I once heard a thing, and sure applies to me, don't play with scared money.

    I'm a very tight player. I grind, my main objective in tournaments is to make the money. I don't think about winning the tournament. When (if) I make it to the money then I focus on making it to the final table. Then I try to survive to the final three. Now is when I start thinking about winning the tournament. You ask why I haven't thought about winning the whole thing before now ? It's cause you can't win it if you first don't get to the money, then to final table etc.

    There is a saying I picked up somewhere along the road of poker, "You can't win a tournament in one hand, but you sure can lose it in one hand."

    When things take a downswing, which it will for every player, I just try and keep my losses as low as possible. I try not to go on tilt and throw away more. I haven't read any books but I do pay attention to TV to try and pick up some tips there. I asked on another site for people to kind of figure how many hands of poker I've played in the last 7 years,,,most agreed it had to be somewhere in the range of 1 to 2 million hands. You see I play 8 to 10 hours a day, just about everyday, 3 to 4 tables at a time. I would hope that I've learned something from all these hands. I still have leaks in my game.

    I don't win a whole lot of money, a panhandler on the street makes more than me each day. But that's not the point for me. I love the game, even when I hate it. It's a hobby that I get a return on cash wise. So play your style of play that suits you, if that doesn't work try another. Hope this helps.
    There's a lot of truth here. I am definitely a tournament player. That's what I enjoy, but I know it exposes me to the most variance. If I'm playing cash I play full ring FLHE, but that's mostly live since there are very rarely tables running at the micro stakes I play online. I honestly don't know how to play NL cash. Obviously I understand the basics, but I don't know enough and haven't played much, so whenever I play NL cash I know I'm just donating to the table. It's something I would like to work on, but I don't have the BR yet to even sit down at the lowest stakes tables.

    I control quite a few weaknesses most players have by sticking with BRM. It's never scared money if I don't spend more than 5% of my BR. That also determines what stakes I play. I would love to be able to move up in stakes, but I can't until I the money shows I can. It's my goal to not put any more money into poker at all. That means before I buy any poker books, buy a HUD, or play live again I have to cashout enough to cover it. But I haven't even made one cashout yet!!!

    I get your strategy about making ITM first, then final table, etc. It makes senses and works well at micro stakes. I did the same thing myself for a long time. I think that's where all of the time I'm putting into books and videos is making a difference though is that they are pointing out the logic behind play styles that are counter intuitive but can make a positive difference in the long run. It seems like it leads to fewer cashes, but more money won in the long run. Which should be good, but means I watch somewhat bigger swings in my BR which is frustrating!!!!

    I love the quote BTW.

    I guess what makes me feel better is that this is a hobby. If I ever cashout anything I've done better than I would on any other hobby!!! You've obviously made some money off of it if you've cashed out some of what you won off of PO!!! This site keeps me going. It would be so much harder to win anything without these freerolls to keep supplementing my BR with.

  2. #12
    PokerOwned Demi-God rghy2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by B00H00Y00 View Post
    holy shit at wagon's PO winnings... anyway, me personally... I'd never claim to be an amazing player, I'm capable don't get me wrong... I've turned $6 freeroll cash into $700 thus far on betfair... But I would play no higher than 5c/10, I admit if I go higher I'll prolly lose my month of grinding cash.
    I've never done anything close to grinding up that much!! The most I've ever grinded up to is about 55 on Carbon.

  3. #13
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    ive grinded .11c on carbon into $330 in 2 weeks. first i grinded the 11c hyper 6 max, then once i hit $1.1 i took a shot at a $1 double or nothing, then once i won that i played a cuople more DoN's til i hit $4. From there i took a 2 buyin half-stack shot at 4plo (buying in for $2) and ran it up from there, taking 75bb/80bb shots at 10plo once i had 10bi for it. Ran good and made 10plo my main game, til i hit about 300. Once i hit 300 i took a shot at 25plo and ran bad and played bad / tilting after getting sucked out on, and lost my whole roll there in a couple sessions because i lacked the discipline to move back down. the moral of this story is bankroll management is very important if you want to not go busto, but at the same time you cant really move up that quickly if youre a BRM nit.

  4. #14
    PokerOwned Demi-God rghy2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fatcrap View Post
    ive grinded .11c on carbon into $330 in 2 weeks. first i grinded the 11c hyper 6 max, then once i hit $1.1 i took a shot at a $1 double or nothing, then once i won that i played a cuople more DoN's til i hit $4. From there i took a 2 buyin half-stack shot at 4plo (buying in for $2) and ran it up from there, taking 75bb/80bb shots at 10plo once i had 10bi for it. Ran good and made 10plo my main game, til i hit about 300. Once i hit 300 i took a shot at 25plo and ran bad and played bad / tilting after getting sucked out on, and lost my whole roll there in a couple sessions because i lacked the discipline to move back down. the moral of this story is bankroll management is very important if you want to not go busto, but at the same time you cant really move up that quickly if youre a BRM nit.
    You definitely can't move up quickly being a BRM nit like me, but it forces me to improve. Plus I am very happy that it would be pretty much impossible to lose my whole roll, no matter how small it might be.

  5. #15
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    u can deff become a consistant winner.. it isn't easy.. but it is very achievable! I was a b/e player for a long time and now its very easy to win for me..
    in ur post u said u read books, watch videos, play etc... the one thing I did not see in there was hiring a good coach

    Ive had several coaches over my early years.. and they are now my friends and we share thoughts of the games changing etc.

    if u are serious about becoming a winning player... hire a coach... its deff worth the $.. look at it as an investment.. it will pay off!

    dont get discouraged.. at some point.. no matter how much we win, or prove we are a winning player.. we still have days where we doubt are abilty

  6. #16
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    It is always hard to win consistently!! You need a lot of patience and great bankroll management!

  7. #17
    Experienced Member
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    It is always hard to win consistently!!
    Agreed. That's what they always say. I can even assume that luck has something to do with it.
    Royal Flush.

  8. #18
    New Member
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    SUPER tuff to be a consistent winner. It takes a discipline and perseverance his Crazy HARD

  9. #19
    Experienced Member
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    Poker ist bad work ,but ist very payed if you know play

  10. #20
    PokerOwned God Drywallman3's Avatar
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    if you follow UltimateDonkSavior's way you will be topping every leader board that exists......

    20:58 <Poof> I would trade my husband for gisele
    18:37 <thepokerkid> @thepokerkid: and stop thinking about gay things

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