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  1. #21
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    These are the kind of stretches that i find hard to believe also. Everyone always uses sample size to argue that it happens, but the odds are the odds, no matter what the sample size. I am assuming (and pretty sure you said it) that these hands all happened in a row, not necessarily right after each other, but no showdown where you were 80/20 and won in between the losses. The odds of being 80/20 4 times in a row and losing all 4 is (1/5)^4, which is 1/625. Now I have no problem with a 1/625 shot hitting, hell plenty of times i've been in casino and seen 8-10 reds in row on roulette wheel. But it seems that I go through stretches like this way too often, certainly more than 1/625, lol. Maybe (and i'm sure it is) my perception isn't reality. I never believed in rigged sites, but sometimes i wonder if they don't do something with deck to make it more exciting. Everyone always says why would they do that, but i remember playing holdem on pogo, and it was boring as hell, never much action, rarely any exciting hands. I don't really believe this, but if anything funny was going on, the only thing i'd think could be going on would be like using a smaller deck, taking some lower (boring) cards out of deck, which would make it easier to have action and increase excitement. The reason i never believe this is i assume if odds were out of whack, it would be noticed. Wish they would be more upfront with audits.

    On the flip side, the odds of you winning all 4 80/20's is (4/5)^4 which is approximately 1/3. So that means during those stretches, you are going to lose at least 1 of them most of the time, and losses stick in your head better than wins, lol. Most likely, that is the reality of it.

  2. #22
    PokerOwned Veteren luximpi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by KuShCanVaS View Post
    sucks man, im on a bit of a slump myself. but know, THIS IS POKER!!!
    yeah this?s poker... A-A lossing against 2-7o is very insane but it happen and enjoy when u had the bad hand...

  3. #23
    PokerOwned Veteren
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    2-3 days you say. Do you one table and write badbeats down on a sticky note?

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