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  1. #1
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Feb 2013

    I suck at live MTTs help me.

    Can someone teach me how to run better in these games? I get pocket KKs my opponent has AA. I get AAs my opponent has A,3 offsuit the flop comes 2,4,5,brick,brick. I make the nutflush on the turn money goes in my opponent has set of 88s he hits a 2 on the river to boat up and then slow rolls me like a cunt. Or my favorite is i get no cards all night constantly getting dealt 9,3 K,3,5,9,A5, Finally get multiway action with my AK hit top pair on a rainbow board and my opponent has a set i get raised on the flop and make the fold. Oh another favorite of mine i turn the Ace high straight with AKs on the turn money goes in my opponent shows Q,J for 2 pair gets his money in with 10% equity and boats up. Another one i get KKs he gets AAs and wins everytime but when i get them i get beaten by some idiot who called off 100 big blind with 6,5 offsuit or A,3 off. It's not fair at all. This is why i love online poker because you get to see more hands which significantly decreases the bingo factor. And lastly, when it comes my turn to suckout it never happens. It's not fair, how can i improve my skills so i can get my money in with 10% equity and win every time? I need help.

  2. #2
    Experienced Member
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    Feb 2013
    You have to know that in Poker you can be sure about winning only when you have nuts. Even when your opponent has 1% to win, he can win, that's a beauty of this game.
    But if you making good decision in longrun, you will be a winning player.
    You need to work about your mindset!

  3. #3
    Seasoned Veteran
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    I know that but im talking about live MTTs here idiot.

  4. #4
    Elite PokerOwned Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    I would read the Harrington tournament books especially vol 1 and 2

  5. #5
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by omgyousuck View Post
    Can someone teach me how to run better in these games? I get pocket KKs my opponent has AA. I get AAs my opponent has A,3 offsuit the flop comes 2,4,5,brick,brick. I make the nutflush on the turn money goes in my opponent has set of 88s he hits a 2 on the river to boat up and then slow rolls me like a cunt. Or my favorite is i get no cards all night constantly getting dealt 9,3 K,3,5,9,A5, Finally get multiway action with my AK hit top pair on a rainbow board and my opponent has a set i get raised on the flop and make the fold. Oh another favorite of mine i turn the Ace high straight with AKs on the turn money goes in my opponent shows Q,J for 2 pair gets his money in with 10% equity and boats up. Another one i get KKs he gets AAs and wins everytime but when i get them i get beaten by some idiot who called off 100 big blind with 6,5 offsuit or A,3 off. It's not fair at all. This is why i love online poker because you get to see more hands which significantly decreases the bingo factor. And lastly, when it comes my turn to suckout it never happens. It's not fair, how can i improve my skills so i can get my money in with 10% equity and win every time? I need help.
    No matter how good you are nobody is going to win evertime

  6. #6
    New Member
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    Feb 2013
    I think it's just bad beats you remember when you loose, but not often remember when you was lucky to win

  7. #7
    Seasoned Veteran
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    I know how to play MTTs well and do great online but live i get crushed. Can someone teach me how to suckout with 10% equity? I don't recall one time i have done this in about 2 months from about 15 live MTTs. The biggest suckout i had ever given was calling a shove with AJ with 10 big blinds and sucking out on AK and it was the best hand i have had all night.

  8. #8
    PokerOwned Veteran lespaul's Avatar
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    Jan 2013
    good luck

  9. #9
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Feb 2011
    I find that live MTTs are only freerolls technically if the buyin is less than $100....anything less and it's always a donkfest...I only play once a month near me in a $275 buyin on the last Sunday of each month...usually cash in that one

  10. #10
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Feb 2013
    Yeah and i bet you make top set every single hand while i wiff mostly every flop live, and when i do hit my opponent has the next best thing. Or when i do get my money in with the best hand i get sucked out on. And what is the structure of that Tourney like you play? Where i live you don't get good ones very often. But the definition of good is debatable i guess.

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