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  1. #21
    Team PO Pro sickread23's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by credsfan03 View Post
    If you do decide to sell anymore I would buy $10 with a Juicy Stakes transfer.
    I can't sell anu more. I currently sold 10% to SendMeCookies and 7% to Timmy, I sold them @ no markup.... gave a good deal 4 PO players. I also sold 53% @ 91% on SWC..... always nice to have good results to warrant a markup on share prices. I have 2% availible on left.... probably will sell out. SealsDeals So in total I will have sold 70-72% of my Sunday mtt. I also have some action on 1 really solid horse @ a rate of 81%.... he is solid and a steal with the field and structure even @ 81%. His name is Chazley on there in case you are on there watching. I will be staking a little more for the Sunday 40k, because I know some great horses who are big favorites over the field. Wish me luck, and my horses. I will post more periodically. Thanks to my PO backers here..... maybe in the future more of you can get in on the action.

  2. #22
    Team PO Pro sickread23's Avatar
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    Quick update starting stack 3,000 have nearly 8,000 and CL. Wish me luck we have a way 2 go..... 8 places pay.

  3. #23
    PokerOwned God SendCookies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sickread23 View Post
    Quick update starting stack 3,000 have nearly 8,000 and CL. Wish me luck we have a way 2 go..... 8 places pay.
    Railing buddy. GOGOGO!!!

  4. #24
    Team PO Pro sickread23's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
    I am @ the 1st break and have chipped up to 8200 but fallen down to 4th on the LB. I figure 11k is what I will need @ or around the FT. Play is super standard, and there aren't a lot of players that are capable of getting ool. Players are mostly so face-up I almost pulled a tiny vbet in position otr with 4th pair to the board. I literally don't lose on this site unless I lose a flip or in 2 brutal cases flopped sets to flopped flush draws. Flush draws are obviously the nuts. I sold 70% of my action, so it really helps me stay focused on the top prize. Knowing that a min cash only gets me 600+ chips, I play for the win all out like all good players should but can't necessarily do because they are not properly rolled. Post updates in a bit...

  5. #25
    PokerOwned God SendCookies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sickread23 View Post
    I am @ the 1st break and have chipped up to 8200 but fallen down to 4th on the LB. I figure 11k is what I will need @ or around the FT. Play is super standard, and there aren't a lot of players that are capable of getting ool. Players are mostly so face-up I almost pulled a tiny vbet in position otr with 4th pair to the board. I literally don't lose on this site unless I lose a flip or in 2 brutal cases flopped sets to flopped flush draws. Flush draws are obviously the nuts. I sold 70% of my action, so it really helps me stay focused on the top prize. Knowing that a min cash only gets me 600+ chips, I play for the win all out like all good players should but can't necessarily do because they are not properly rolled. Post updates in a bit...
    writing your play strategy here not the best idea while still playin in the mtt. just sayin....

  6. #26
    PokerOwned God SendCookies's Avatar
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    Just saw you stack that SS w/ ak vs his qt. nice hit.

  7. #27
    Team PO Pro sickread23's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
    Right around the ft 13 left. I lost big 5k pot with A9 when I raised HJ and guy shoved j6 for 300 chips more. #RETARDED. It was a big pot as I have only 11,000. I would post a little more but guess my backer doesn't want top secrets out of the bad

  8. #28
    Team PO Pro sickread23's Avatar
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    Lost AIPF BVB Micon shoved prior 2-3 times in blinds war vs me. I think he thought he was baller or something. I almost called A4 prior time but figured I could find a better spot. I found a great spot the next BVB confrontation as I had AK and he again shoved; this time with 27. I would have called way worse than the AK I had. I obviously get sucked out on. 1500 chips in the middle and I had 9k behind. The guy Micon is selling WSOP action.... #GTFO. I am amazed how bad that play was. Sorry guys....I feel twice as sick because I lost 4 my backers. I honestly couldn't have played better. I can't think of 1 hand I played badly. I floated oop and took pots away a couple of times and bluff raised once. I managed my risk/reward almost as well as I can.... Sorry guys.

  9. #29
    PokerOwned Admin Poof's Avatar
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    Jul 2011
    so jersey's name on swc is Micon?

    just kidding, I am sorry sick, that is an awful way to go out, good game.

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