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  1. #21
    PokerOwned Master buonafide's Avatar
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    Dec 2013
    Its So simple... start by playing small stack strategy. AA, KK, QQ, JJ, TT, AK, and AQ are the only hands you play - Your goal is to get all-in preflop. If your stack is small enough, you'll probably get a call even if you've folded 50 hands in a row because (at small limits) there is almost always someone that says "fuck it" and calls you with J9 or Ace-rag.

    You might lose, which is why you need to have at least 20 buy-ins before you attempt to play cash.
    AQ vs J9 wins only ~ 2 out of 3 times. Losing with a premium hand 20x in a row is possible, but incredibly unlikely.

    Try it - see what happens.

  2. #22
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    May 2013
    u need to reduce your OR hands, and try not bluff much likeu do in tournaments, check which one hand are good for Cold Call nd Raise 4Bet, and u need to use 3Bet more often than a tournament

  3. #23
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    cash games are dangerous if you arent playing at the right stakes...

    they can make or break you

  4. #24
    tex is offline
    PokerOwned Master
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    Oct 2013
    Yes,I use to play on juicy stakes would win some money on there free roll and then go to the cash tables and lose it all since there was a minimum 500 withdraw .People wouldn't go all in though they would give a good preflop raise and kept betting no matter what until they were all in.Took me a minute to catch on.

  5. #25
    PokerOwned Pro
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    Feb 2011
    just keep playing what wins you the most

  6. #26
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Jun 2012
    Just work on your tourney skills and focus on that... Cash games are the toughest for everyone.... Seems you get beat with second best hands in losing streaks.... sometimes it goes the other way.... not as much skill involved as tourney strategy.... you get sucked out more

  7. #27
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Sep 2013
    I propose instead to start playing cash games or tournaments micro sng. For starters are better than the cach

  8. #28
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Feb 2014
    it's like anything else. you need to practice enough and youll get better eventually. switch things up too when u feel it

  9. #29
    Experienced Member BearPlay's Avatar
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    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by buonafide View Post
    Its So simple... start by playing small stack strategy. AA, KK, QQ, JJ, TT, AK, and AQ are the only hands you play - Your goal is to get all-in preflop. If your stack is small enough, you'll probably get a call even if you've folded 50 hands in a row because (at small limits) there is almost always someone that says "fuck it" and calls you with J9 or Ace-rag.

    You might lose, which is why you need to have at least 20 buy-ins before you attempt to play cash.
    AQ vs J9 wins only ~ 2 out of 3 times. Losing with a premium hand 20x in a row is possible, but incredibly unlikely.

    Try it - see what happens.
    I have the same issue with tourneys vs cash but I think this is solid advice for the rings. Tighten up your range and start small with the micro-limits. Best

  10. #30
    PokerOwned God CUSTOMTABLES's Avatar
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    cash is more the sit back but tight agressive style....the pressure is when ur playing with scared money or buyin in for min...which is a no no....i like to show some bluffs and then catch them for a big everytime

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