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  1. #21
    I like to break freerolls up into sections. For example say I'm playing the 7500 man 150.00 fr. My first goal is to get to 10k. That will probably take 2 or 3 breaks depending on how tite I play. Once I'm at 10k my goal is 20k. From 20k I'm playing premium hands only and raising big pre, staying away from small stacks which will not effectively increase the size of my stack. I say you stick to premium hands folding anything under and including kj for the rest of the tourney. Switch your style up of course don't play too tite, it is only a freeroll! You get to 20k in any freeroll you should atleast cash! GL

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Iv came close to the money in the 7500 freerolls on tilt a few times but never won any thing. if you play lose the big cards get you tight and the donks take me down. I like to play them but i do not look to improve my game in them. There is just to much luck involved.

  3. #23
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    10k people

    yeah small buyin are like freerolls these days.. way to many people

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    I have been lucky enough to win a few 5000+ freerolls.All you have to do is double up a few times to make money.For example in a field of 8000 if you double up you are in effect halving the field so therefore 1 double up = 4000 2=2000 3=1000 4=500 5=250 6=125 7=63 8= 32 9=16 10= final table.In effect you only have to double your starting stack 6 times and you will make money.It is not difficult if you play a lot of large MTT.I make money most nights i play from freerolls.If you have a good aggresive game you will make money stages but you need to be aggresive.

  5. #25
    PokerOwned Master aldo2010's Avatar
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    Nov 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by lulabell79 View Post
    There are so many tournies with small buy-ins and HUGE payouts because they are 5,000, 10,000, 35,000 players...but how do you keep your patience and dicipline long enough to get in the money? I play the 7,500 player freerolls on fulltilt with $150 prize pool and I have never cashed in one of the hundreds I've played in. I know that I am guilty of not taking freerolls as seriously as I do buy-in tournies, but even when I am devoted to the tourney, I can't seem to make it very far. Any strategies or tips would be appreciated!
    just take it easy

  6. #26
    Master Sergeant
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    Feb 2011
    tip! that i has helped me limp in alot of hands first 3 levels then tighten up try that then play only big hands don't push all in with ur ace king see flops instead try to avoid racing as much as you can! and don't committe yourself with one hand! if you play tight aggressive you should do alright! i have won alot of freerolls with alot of people before but i have also played thousands of them!

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    in the 7500 person tournies on full tilt i have made it in the money in 36th place. it was pretty sweet it was rush freeroll and i had fun i didnt pay attention really that much which made me do better which doesnt make sense lol

  8. #28
    PokerOwned Master
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    Jan 2011
    yeah i ahet playing with million of people i never win a freeroll

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by ThaSpazyFish View Post
    play 45 or 90 man sit n goes they have a decent payout with not as much players, I don't take freerolls seriously either, you need to hit the cards to win a freeroll because the people on them don't care. I mean you could go all in and say in chat I have KK and they call with A7o because they have 3 outs its stupid I tend not to waste my time on the freerolls anymore but yeah maybe multi table sit n goes are the way forward for you.

    GL at the tables

    3 outs? lulz.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    5,000 + plyrs ..... depends on your buget...

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