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  1. #51
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    When I first started playing I would keep playing all night then. When I got schooled I learned to control my badbeats!!

  2. #52
    Just 1 guy in a game MichMan's Avatar
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    Aug 2012
    best thing to do is make a note and move on. but I sometimes get a little tilted and do a bit more. maybe add a bounty if its real bad. sometimes.
    22:52 <onehotdame> pull my finger
    02:51 <onehotdame> ill miss u when u go
    14:53 <onehotdame> gotta callthePOD people
    12/17/2014 16:29 <onehotdame> your a bit of an ass when yo high

  3. #53
    Experienced Member
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    I recently read an article by Daniel Negreanu explaining how to deal with bad beats. Basically, the article breaks it down to do's and dont's.

    Some of the don'ts include:
    Don't tell bad beat stories. As Daniel Negreanu puts it, "Look, they really don't care. Bad beats happen to everyone...have you ever looked forward to someone telling you a hard luck story?"

    An obvious one is don't go on tilt. Players start chasing hands with few outs or try a garbage hand to quickly win their chips back.
    This will make matters worse. You should focus on your game and play like you've been playing before the bad beat. Other players will also tell if you're on tilt and take advantage.

    A good trick to play is answering the question on how your cards have been. Answer by saying that it's running great even though your hands are crap.

    Some thign to DO after a bad beat is:

    Take a long break. You need to clear your mind before playing poker again so you can focus a little better.

    Move down to a smaller limit table. This would regain your confidence since hey are weaker players in the smaller limits.

    Thinking positive should help as well.

    The most important aspect to remember is to "always focus on making correct decisions at the poker table and not on the outcome."

  4. #54
    Experienced Member
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    Had one today, playing a two table SNG's $11 buy in. Early in the game, I had one one other pot with a straight by slow playing it due to I had the nuts. Check raised him and took him for around half his chips. I had around 2800 started with 2000.

    100 blinds

    I'm late position sb, JJ two people call the sb and I raise 5X the blind to 500 hoping to steal their blinds. One folds the other calls me. Cool isolated the opponent. Flop comes 10,10, 6.

    I thinking either I still have top pair unless they flop 10's. I call the pot which was around $800, they call. I'm like what?

    So I check it out, turns out she was slow playing me she hit the 10's but what got me was she called me with a 10,2 suited hearts. Knocked me back to 1500. Played tight from there on out but couldn't catch any cards. It just ate me up for a while that someone would call a blind with a 10-2 let alone 5X the BB.

    After that I saw her call almost every flop, hit high card or trips and bust out a couple other people. I was scared to call her because of her luck. It's like she had a guardian angle telling her what to play and giving her cards.

    So I buddy listed her on my account, hopefully she is playing some ring games in the future. Playing that loose eventually the odds will get her.

  5. #55
    Seasoned Veteran
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    B 21 and take the pain if you blow up in a casino you get tossed out on your ass
    I laughed at the Lorax you poor stupid guy you never can tell what some people will buy...

  6. #56
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Bad beats happen. Sometimes you get outplayed, more often (in lower stakes) it's someone's bad play that leads them to victory. It's the nature of the game. I find the trick is to stick with small ball poker, keep pots small, and when you get the nuts, bust them.

  7. #57
    Elite PokerOwned Member wykydsceptre's Avatar
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    Thanks for the GREAT(and not so great) replies! In honor of this being my most responded to thread, I am going to award the best 2 or 3 replies with 150 points! I will post winners(that already posted) and contact them. keep posting though, I might be generous!

  8. #58
    Seasoned Veteran
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    The Double Ups are a great way to build your BR. I have been playing Double Ups on Carbon and cashing good BR building if I could just stay away from playing other stupid shit I might have a bigger BR.

  9. #59
    Elite PokerOwned Member wykydsceptre's Avatar
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    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by ramonjordan View Post
    I recently read an article by Daniel Negreanu explaining how to deal with bad beats. Basically, the article breaks it down to do's and dont's.

    Some of the don'ts include:
    Don't tell bad beat stories. As Daniel Negreanu puts it, "Look, they really don't care. Bad beats happen to everyone...have you ever looked forward to someone telling you a hard luck story?"

    An obvious one is don't go on tilt. Players start chasing hands with few outs or try a garbage hand to quickly win their chips back.
    This will make matters worse. You should focus on your game and play like you've been playing before the bad beat. Other players will also tell if you're on tilt and take advantage.

    A good trick to play is answering the question on how your cards have been. Answer by saying that it's running great even though your hands are crap.

    Some thign to DO after a bad beat is:

    Take a long break. You need to clear your mind before playing poker again so you can focus a little better.

    Move down to a smaller limit table. This would regain your confidence since hey are weaker players in the smaller limits.

    Thinking positive should help as well.

    The most important aspect to remember is to "always focus on making correct decisions at the poker table and not on the outcome."
    Great reply from a newer member! 150 points to him!

  10. #60
    Elite PokerOwned Member wykydsceptre's Avatar
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    I will be giving away more points because of my meltdown last night! yes I got beat, but it was the bubble on carbon freeroll(third bubble boy thank you) I went off a bit much. (rather drunk) and it totally affected my late game(played mad) To those I said FU to, I really meant eat me, no thats not right. I DO apologize for any past or future rants.

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