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  1. #1
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Mar 2012

    Goochbruiser - MTT Tips

    Here are some tips and guidelines of how I play MTT's on Merge broken up by game type. Now of course a freezeout is going to be different from a rebuy or turbo but every mtt is still along the same principle and Ill explain further down the post.

    Basic Freezeouts (10-15 mins levels 3k+ starting stacks)

    Early levels

    I play these very abc and try to pot control a lot of hands. Honestly, there is absolutely no reason to be getting involved early in these since the structure on Merge allows for more play down the road. For example, there is no reason to be calling a 3x raise with k10 suited or 33 44 from the cutoff because its basically hit or miss and check fold and even if you make a play and steal a pot congrats you won 120 chips. No reason to get involved and ruin table image (YES this is key down the road trust me).

    Try to keep you stack positive or at 3k during these levels.. Play strong hands.

    Early Middle Stages

    This is where you can start to open up your range no matter what your stack size is and a good area to increase stack size. 60/120 and 80/160 are good levels from what Ive observed. Smaller stacks are going to nit up and wait and try to double and bigger stacks are opening there ranges most of the time to increase stack size. By opening up your range here your going to put yourself into more flips ak vs pp ect, but your still able to pot control preflop and outplay most of these players post flop. Ive seen it all the time and its relatively easy to do.

    Middle Stages

    Tons of way to play here and really depends on your stack size and bb's left. Bigger stack I personally like to slow down and nit up a lot. Your going to have a lot of smaller stacks trying to make moves and want to keep stack size or increase. **Key is not to take any major hits.. Yes you can flip for 1k if you have 15k but flipping for 10k with 15k is dumb when you can wait**

    Smaller stack size during these levels I still like to be patience. Some of you guys might think that is dumb but I think its key. If your able to limit the amount of flips you get in it only betters your chances.

    Bubble Time

    Bigger stacks this is where you increase increase increase but not by playing stupid and punting your stack then min cashing or bubbling. DO NOT PUNT in the worst case you lose some blinds but stay near the middle top ect. I only steal from the button or blinds because there is no reason to put your stack in a bad situation from the co or early position by picking up blinds.

    Smaller stacks your looking for a flip or a hand. There is nothing about it. Its just an awful place and situation to be in we have all been there before and its no fun. Stay patient and try to pick up some chips or move on up and into the money by others donking out.

    In the Money

    Bigger stacks - Key is to increase increase increase and not take a big hit. Key is getting to final table and top 5 cause that is where all the money is in MTT's. Play small pp's as hit or miss dont be bluffing off chips with a pair of 8's on A 7 9 board ect.

    Smaller stacks - Looking for doubles and flips but you can stay patience and hope JJ get called by ace rag ect where you have HUGE advantage. Stay Patience.. People get sooo worried that they have 10 biebers and have to shove when esp ONLINE you can wait it out. Ive done it and seen it a lot its possible.

    *** The key is to control pot sizes, maximize value when you have hands and control loses to min. Control how many flips you get in because the less the better in the long run.***

    *** Yes you have to win flips to run deep in ANY MTT but your able to control how many you get in and thats a key point.***

    Will post a rebuy and deepstack turbo tips later on because those are sooo +ev and can be played a lot differently.

    Hope this helps people that have wanted it and will post in the OP tips for rebuys/deepstack turbos later.

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Master tval35's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    thanks for the thread mpettit2. this is great info from a successful merge mtter

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Demi-God StackSnack's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Thanks for the tips Gooch. I will put these too good use....Congrats on the win last night.

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Really good tips from here. I tend to play like this in a lot of tournaments but it gets varied when you find weak opponents or loose opponents and you beat a bigger range. Overall this is a good formula to do good in MTTs.

    Im looking forward to the other types of MTT's!

  5. #5
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Mar 2012
    Of course every MTT is different and you could always have some fish just spewing chips at a table during any level and you can advantage of that. Above was just a general sticking point to how I play them and like to play them because its the most profitable in the long run.

    I will post tips for Rebuys and Deepstack turbos in a little bit.

  6. #6
    PokerOwned God StephyMarieC's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Very nice post mpettit2 thank you

  7. #7
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Thanks for the thread MP .. i requested this and it makes a good read, these (non turbo and no rebuys) aka freezeouts are my favourite type of tournament, thanks bro.

  8. #8
    PokerOwned Pro
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    TY for this I will prob use it alot

  9. #9
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Good post, my strategy is similar yet I do always find myself making that 1 stupid move that always hurts me. Like you said, I need to control my losses to the minimum. Post the link to the new threads you make in here. (:


  10. #10
    Elite PokerOwned Member RWPFhero's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Thanks, I will come back and read this again! For the next time I play a MTT.

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