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  1. #31
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Oct 2013
    what is a CL I have no idea what you are talking about excuse me its still early in the mournin

  2. #32
    PokerOwned Pro
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    Quote Originally Posted by lorenz0wns View Post
    guys who are CL's in MTTs set themselves in position to winning the whole thing
    Quote Originally Posted by TGxHUSSLE View Post
    what is a CL I have no idea what you are talking about excuse me its still early in the mournin
    He's referring to ChipLeaders, meaning that, at the time when some guys are just praying to squeak into the money, others are playing their normal game. When you're just starting out, or building from nothing, then yeah, just cashing is a big deal. 20 cents feels pretty huge compared to zero cents. And freerolls generally have a much flatter payout structure than other tourneys, meaning that the difference between winning and min-cashing isn't all that much. Carbon PO freerolls, for example, might have a payout ranging from 80 cents for 10th, $12 for the win. Well, that's not really all that much difference. 1st place gets 15x "last" place (of those who cash). Many of Carbon's tourneys are this way, actually, but it's more a function of smaller fields. However in, say, the WSOP Main Event, a min-cash pays $19,106 (not even 2x the buy-in), but a first place is worth $8,359,531.

    What this means is that 15 min-cashes in Carbon freerolls are equivalent to one win. You could sacrifice 14 min-cashes trying to stack up for a win and still break even. Granted, just cuz you chipped up at the bubble doesn't mean you're going to win, but you are in a MUCH better position to do so than if you have to double up 3 or 4 times just to be viable. And those times you do chip up but don't win, you're still winning more than a min-cash. In the WSOP, one win is worth 437 min-cashes. This is why players are willing to risk bubbling in order to build a stack that they can use against the inevitable pool of desperate short-stacks who just folded to the money. Trust me, poker is much more fun when you have 100bbs and 6 players at your table each have 5bbs. Even if they show you their cards are AA, it's still not a big deal to snap them off with T9s, since it only knocks you down to 95bbs to their 10bbs. Wash, rinse, repeat, then read their bad beat thread later.

    It's a matter of risk vs reward. Take a greater risk, reap a greater reward. If your bank is tiny, then maybe the risk isn't worth it for you. If you have a playable bank, and maintain solid bankroll mgmt (like only buying into MTT's when you have 50-100 buyins), then it's silly NOT to take the risk, as the reward, when achieved, will more than make up for all the times you busted before cashing.

    If someone offered you a deal where you buy a lottery ticket every week and they guarantee you'll always get $1.50 for it - never more, never less, would you trade that for the 52 weekly shots at the million-dollar prize? Yes, the odds of winning are remote, but you're not risking much more (50 more cents/week) and only ONE win would make up for years and years of $1.50 cashes.
    Last edited by TheHaversham; 11-02-2013 at 02:08 AM.

  3. #33
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    lol "guys who are chipleaders set themselves in position to winning the whole thing" no way?

  4. #34
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    I guess the old Mike McDermont philosophy on life applies in this situation. "You can't loose what you don't put in the middle..........but you can't win much either."

  5. #35
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    Good job! Final tables can be tricky because of higher blinds and antes which in turn creates looser play. Sklansky's book theory of poker touches on this subject. I don't how you were playing but in that situation you should actually loosen your starting hand range as opposed to tightening up. Congrats on your cash!

  6. #36
    Seasoned Veteran Suhweet's Avatar
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    Glad you cashed in on some $ .. it's always nice to get free $ wherever it comes from.. Good job..
    Punish the Deed Not the Breed

  7. #37
    128 is offline
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    nice job, im very similar, good luck on your next one

  8. #38
    Experienced Member
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    pokerowned is a wonderfull website

  9. #39
    Elite PokerOwned Member pokerponed's Avatar
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    Congrats on your first win here. Hope you have many more gl.

  10. #40
    Seasoned Veteran
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    I cashed the first tourney I played for PO. Then I got sucked out on by the suckass players that think they are kings. Ive only cashed twice outta 10 or so but its not my fault.(HAHA) I blame it on the donks and the bad randomizing of the cards on carbon. What can ya do except bitch a little.

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