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  1. #11
    PokerOwned Master Rackinitin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    i have come to a conclusion that alot of people think AK is the nuts.well lets just say you have AK offsuit and i got a pair in the hole the chances of me hittin trips are kinda bad unless it comes on the flop and usually i fold if not but to someone that i know will go all in with AK off i will call and it makes them mad and i am really glad it does will make them think next time they try and buy one with Ak off.Ak is a good starting hand but after the flop its as useless as a pair of 2s in the hole. has the same % of a pair and alot of times it makes them so mad they start callin you a donk because you call can call me a donk all you want i dont get mad over name calling not in the least so for the ones that push allin with nothing but AK and expect everyone to fold you got another thing comming

    Here to play some poker.HERE TO HAVE SOME FUN.Just don't make me pull my

  2. #12
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Rackinitin View Post
    i have come to a conclusion that alot of people think AK is the nuts.well lets just say you have AK offsuit and i got a pair in the hole the chances of me hittin trips are kinda bad unless it comes on the flop and usually i fold if not but to someone that i know will go all in with AK off i will call and it makes them mad and i am really glad it does will make them think next time they try and buy one with Ak off.Ak is a good starting hand but after the flop its as useless as a pair of 2s in the hole. has the same % of a pair and alot of times it makes them so mad they start callin you a donk because you call can call me a donk all you want i dont get mad over name calling not in the least so for the ones that push allin with nothing but AK and expect everyone to fold you got another thing comming
    yeye u tell em buzzy

  3. #13
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Big difference, I enjoy the pokerowned freerolls....

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