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  1. #1

    Dealing with Anger

    I used to get angry and frustrated with getting knocked out of tournaments when I had the best hand. Now I realize that it's just a part of the game. I figure as long as I played my cards right and was the clear favorite every time then I did my part. My question is, at what point in the tournament is it better to just lay down and not take the risk of getting knocked out even when you are up against someone drawing to a 3 or 4 outer? My last three tourneys I have been knocked out by heads up all in play and my opponent caught a 3 outer. I am a tight aggresive player and have no problem pushing all my chips in when I have the best of it. Is that logical? Each time I was knocked out early to midway in the tourney, also, I had an average to large stack compared to the field

  2. #2
    I just try to stay cool and wait for the next hand. Walk away, smoke a cig, get a drink etc. I think we all go on tilt at times and it's a sure fire way to lose. This happens to me more on Pokerstars than anywhere else. I usually take a minute or to to collect myself and look for the next opportunity.

  3. #3
    Zab is offline
    PokerOwned Admin Zab's Avatar
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    If you get your chips in with the best of it, over time YOU WILL succeed. You can't help luck.. it's part of the game

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    You should always stay cool and focused,and not let emotions to take over you..I know it is sometimes hard to lose to someone to a lower kicker,but you shouldn't think about revenge in the next hand when you play against that player...You will get your chance,just be patient...
    And I would suggest you to play only premium hands at the begining of the tournament because there are almost always players who are playing for thrill so they will follow almost every bet.Once these players are eliminated,real poker starts...

  5. #5
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    if you play MTT,tight aggressive is the best way to play the early phase,i mean very tight.if you got lucky and made a big stack loosen up and target short stacks.if you are the short stack stay tight and shove preflop.MTTs is more based on luck than cash games.accept it and you wont go tilt.

  6. #6
    -(^_^)- ProBlackbird's Avatar
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    In the beginning I wasn't angry, just a bit desperated but this time I just said oh well gg and that's just part of Poker

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by ProBlackbird View Post
    In the beginning I wasn't angry, just a bit desperated but this time I just said oh well gg and that's just part of Poker
    Not me, I'd rather hunt the guy down who gave me a bad beat. Find his house and burn it down, slash his tires, steal his mail ............

    Deep breath

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    I used to get angry and frustrated with getting knocked out of tournaments when I had the best hand.

    same thing happens to me too. now i just try to stay cool and think w/ my head not with my emotion. it's hard, but you would b good at it as you practice more. BTW, that's why we have freerolls and the one of many reasons we join this forum, isn't it? to get freeroll passwords! lol - now, practice with me!
    1) close your eyes
    2) deep breath and count to 10,
    3) exhail and count to 10,
    4) rince and repeat for 5 time.
    you sould b good and have a calm mind and emotion.
    Last edited by waver06; 12-10-2010 at 09:13 PM.

  9. #9
    PokerOwned Pro BoostMyBR's Avatar
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    I don't even bother getting angry at bad beats.

    They occur way too much and it would be just a waste of anger.

    Now I kinda laugh when I get them.

  10. #10
    PokerOwned Veteran quintas's Avatar
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    inever get angry all I do is walk away!!

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