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  1. #11
    Lieutenant Commander TopJimmy99's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Just earlier tonight I had AA and I ended up all in against QQ, and sure enough, they drew a Q on the river. Even though it was only a freeroll, I was about 13 places away from gettin payed and I'd been there for a few hours. But to answer your question specifically about tournaments... you've got to play the hands your dealt. You can't drop out of a hand because they could draw an out, or else you'd end up folding 99% of the time. Just be glad you're out of the tournament, because when my stack drops from some BS like that, I get so angry I play like a total donk haha.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    dont trip bro.. we always going to get bad beats we just have to learn how to take it better..i feel that when i get bad beats in live tournaments i tend to take it as bad cause i dont want to show that im a bad loser..but at home we can go all out and tend to let advice is just to think of as another hand u win some and loose some..we just have to learn how to loose less lol..

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    when you get bad beats i try not to get angry because at some point uv called stupid hands or something and won its just the game of poker .. sit back and enjoy good luck at the tables

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Its tough to control anger and deal with bad beats. You are very correct and it is part of the game, there will always be those guys that will follow it to the river just to get that one in a million shot at the best hand. I am the opposite of an angery player and I have a very similar play style in tight aggresive. Though at times I can play very slow and safe. I would have to say that the best time to play like your describing is the end especially with smaller tournys where it is more likely you will be short handed at the final table.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    The only time I ever get angry about it is when i'll call somebody and i have A.A or something along that and they are just being donk's with 2.8 and end up getting a straight or three of a kind odd ball hands and i mean the people who go all in with hands like that before the flop and get lucky with stupid stuff. if i win too a good hand i could care less

  6. #16
    Experienced Member
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    Dec 2010
    I agree with a lot of these posts, it is very tough losing with a big hand to an oddball donkkalicous hand like 10 3 or k4 suited. I don't kknow what goes through some players minds when they play junkk likke that. But luckk eventually runs out and then what are they going to run on, as they obviously don't posses skkillzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. But in the long run you just have to kkeep faith in ones self to over come the donkkeh's that get luckky once in awhile. I remain to have faith in myself and other players I kknow that just seem to attract luckkboxxxes, can't always lose to luckky donkkeh's.
    You have to kknow when to hold'em, kknow when to fold'em and kknow when too bite your tongue!

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    i play to have fun and if it isnt fun i take a break.peeps tend to make bad calls when on will only get will only get worse.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    does anyone have suggestions for me, my bf gets mad over loses even when i tell him to back off!

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    i've struggled with similar problems, trying to play an unlogical game logically. maybe we should just donk it up

  10. #20
    Master Sergeant
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    I have been getting angry and that is why Im loosing. So Im really trying to watch that, and like quintas said walk away for a few minutes at least!

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