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  1. #11
    New Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    PF played fine IMO. On flop, SB minbets and with Button-1 still to act, a 3x-4x raise (400-600 raise) on flop may not be bad. Based on action after, you may be able to get a good idea of their holdings, and if you get callers or a re-raise, you can re-evaluate. If the turn blanks, you can then shove and get max value against someone that may have a marginal 6 or chasing presto or is holding something like KT+. I'm not particularly a fan of check-call-shove on that kind of board since it's so drawy. I think a raise on the flop would give you a better idea of where you stand, and can effectively raise the pot high enough to where opps are getting good value to call a shove with a marginal holding if they are looking to hit, giving you a good shot at a double or triple-up.

  2. #12
    Elite PokerOwned Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    I soul recommend that you all play the PO tourneys on carbon!

  3. #13
    PokerOwned Demi-God rghy2's Avatar
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    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by pingpongpro View Post
    We want overcards calling because they need runner-runner to beat us (except if board pairs, which it did; still technically runner-runner). I kinda like a 4x raise, it sets up a 12bb pot with 13bb behind, good turn shove. By shut down, do you mean fold to his turn minbet?
    I see that I posted my response before I saw the next installment.

    I guess that's true about the overcards. My logic was really more that bottom 2 pair is a vulnerable hand so I would want to narrow down the field as much as possible. Whether or not I would completely fold to a mini bet would depend on what information I had on the player. I may call a mini bet on the turn with the intention of folding on the river to any bet. The key is I wouldn't call more then 1-2bb, and I probably wouldn't call if I thought I would be up against more then 1 opponent. I would only call the mini bet if I had put in the 4bb on the flop. If I had just called the flop like you did, I would fold the hand when the 6 came. You don't have much invested and still have a decent stack to play with.

    After seeing how you played the flop, you had a very vulnerable hand that you didn't protect. By calling you are 1. Not getting max value out of a lucky hand and 2. Giving your opponent a chance to catch up which is probably very easy for them to do.

  4. #14
    Experienced Member
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    Feb 2013
    I would have raised, and go all in after that

  5. #15
    New Member
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    Dec 2013
    i would recommend a 3 bet here

  6. #16
    PokerOwned Master
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    Aug 2013
    Raise shove flop and as played fold on the turn because ur 2pair is awful now. Reason why i like shoving flop is that 6x's, overpairs and FD's + gutter hands will call u. Also, u only have 18bbs so raising to an amount like 400-600 will look way too strong.

  7. #17
    Library Master Champion eqgh5uea's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    PF: Call---it's 2-3os!!!
    FLP: 4-5x bb shove---call 2-bet.
    TRN: Fold.
    "We have met the enemy and they are ours; two ships, two brigs, one schooner and one sloop." --- O.H. Perry

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