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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    cash VS tournament : the difference.

    whats the difference ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    whats the main differences. lets open this one up

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    In cash game i constantly think about odds and pot odds. and in tournament I think in outs. does that make sense to you?

  4. #4
    tex is offline
    PokerOwned Master
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    Oct 2013
    Big difference you don't have to be as good a poker player if you have a good tourney strategy ,tourneys are about survival and advance you lose all your chips your gone(past re buy if your not in a freeze out)you just reload at a cash table.In a tourney you will sometimes you will get paid for folding by making it in the money,you'll never get paid for folding at a cash table.Due to the blind structure pots get huge toward the end of a tourney,and the pots always stay the same at cash table.

  5. #5
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Mar 2013
    I prefer tournaments bc all u can lose is ur buy in!

  6. #6
    PokerOwned Demi-God rghy2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    blinds and stack sizes, that makes all the difference
    I'm gonna give that bitch a freeroll, bitches love freerolls.

  7. #7
    PokerOwned Master
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    May 2011
    in a cash game, you can always reload if you want to stay on the table.
    So if I have a $100 bankroll, I will go into a 1c/2c room with $2 and if I lose
    an all-in I have only lost $2 and I can stay at the table if I get another $2 from
    my remaining $98 bankroll. blinds stay 1c/2c the whole time in a cash game.

    In a $2 buyin tournament, if you lose an all-in, you are out of the tournament, unless it is a rebuy.
    Blinds continually go up every level. Levels usually last 6 to 15 minutes.
    Last edited by eberetta1; 02-01-2014 at 02:15 AM.

  8. #8
    Parlay Champion
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    Jan 2014
    Ive had my most success in tourneys. I seem to play better once the blinds put pressure on the players, whereas in cash games. I tend to slowly lose more than win. Im less aggressive and play less hands.

  9. #9
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Jan 2014
    tournaments are my favorite just because you can be patient and still take it down.. while cash on the other hand you have to stay aggressive because just waiting for a good hand wont be enough to keep you alive!

  10. #10
    PokerOwned Pro
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    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by kikdapoor View Post
    tournaments are my favorite just because you can be patient and still take it down.. while cash on the other hand you have to stay aggressive because just waiting for a good hand wont be enough to keep you alive!
    I disagree here (I wonder if kikdapoor accidentally listed advice backwards) and no else is addressing the issue- the style of play between the two is very different. Cash games you can be tighter because you can wait for a hand - the blinds are not eating you up that much - a trick to understanding this (I read in a magazine) is to sit at a cash table and dont play any hand for an hour - see how much of your roll goes away - not very much at all is the answer. If you have $10 in your account and want to grow it play low level cash. On BCP you can play .01/.02 and have 20 buy ins - you will see about 40-60 hands an hour if the table isnt super slow - at that rate you can fold every hand you get for a whole hour and only be down .18 on average - 36% of your stack - not very much for seeing 50 hands. Now assume you win ONE hand each hour and take down a pot of .20 then you are up .02 each hour. May not seem like much but cash game results are defined by how many BB you can win in an hour - and 1BBPH isnt a bad result if you do the scaling - if this is a $10/$20 game, then 1BBPH is $20 an hour pay rate which is more than most people make. Now not many people play 10/20 so you have to skew the results a little - say you win 2 hands an hour at .15 each - now you are up .12 at the end of the hour and that is 6BBPH rate (at the 10/20 you are now making $120/hour pay and that is incredible-even at 1/2 you are making $12 and hour and that is livable pay in most cities)

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