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Results 241 to 250 of 320
  1. #241
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Ive been playing 10nl, but haven't ran too well so far. I am confident with volume I will be able to beat it though. On the bright side, I've been doing well in tournaments. Passed $1500 today!!! I know I will dip below it tomorrow, and possibly even below $1400 but it feels great to hit that milestone.

    Carbon Bankroll: $1529.11

  2. #242
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Jeez, you really are an inspiration. I hope I have as much success as you. My BR is building up really slowly.

  3. #243
    Elite PokerOwned Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Just don't play stakes too high for your bankroll, you can lose in one hour what took you 2 months to build.

  4. #244
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    lo why should he start with this now, he has the strongest bkr i know in this forum ^^

  5. #245
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Sweet I am trying the same except I keep losing my freeroll winnings.

  6. #246
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    I try to go from stake to stake building it up. I make it to 25. 50.and lose it there all the time.

  7. #247
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Jeez, you really are an inspiration. I hope I have as much success as you
    Thank you. I really want to see others succeed and do the same thing. Im always willing to talk poker or answer any questions. I wish you the best of luck. Stick with it

    Just don't play stakes too high for your bankroll
    Right now I am playing .05/.10 cash and $11 max buyin tournies. I have over 100 buyins for both.

    Sweet I am trying the same except I keep losing my freeroll winnings.
    Try saving up freeroll winnings for a little while, and see where you can go. That is how I started out.

    I try to go from stake to stake building it up
    A lot of people move up stakes/levels to quickly. Their sole focus is to get out of the micros and they will move up at all costs. I played 140,000 hands at .02/.04 cash tables. I was playing .02/.04 when I had an $800 roll. Although this is a little too conservative, I wanted to master the level I was at. I recommend never rushing to move up stakes. Stick to where you are winning.
    Last edited by Sharking; 01-16-2013 at 08:59 AM.

  8. #248
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    I had another losing session at 10nl. Three out of my first four sessions have been losing ones. Both of the large pots I lost today were set over set and one of them I got all in on turn, and his 2 outs was enough when the river came. I am confident I am playing well despite these results. One particular player was giving me a hard time so I used this site called to watch hundreds of hands that he played. Interestingly enough it was the same player that ended up two outtering me today. is a great site for cash game players, especially if you dont use HUD/HEM/PT4. If I have a few more losing sessions in a row I am going to do some hardcore hand history review and try to plug leaks that I am not noticing. I feel like I am playing well though, so going to proceed on!

  9. #249
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Despite running bad at cash tables, I have been having great tournament success.

    I bubbled 3 tournaments yesterday, but champions bubble so I am not upset about that. I lost AA<KK for chipleader pot on bubble, AJ<A7 to river 7 all in pre for top 5 stack when SB folded 2500 with just 120 behind, and K10cc I jammed 22k at 1k/2k and got called by AQ and QK (QK was last to call 95% of his stack, if he folded I would have won).

    Not only did I bubble three tournaments, I won a tourney as well! This is my third win since I started playing tournies (less than 200 MTTs played). All of my wins have been in 250 GTDs but three different buyins. Unfortunately they have all been low paydays; between $120-$150 each. Some of my 3rd and 4th place scores have yielded better payouts. I will keep plucking away though, a win is a win!

    Carbon Bankroll: $1,612.87

  10. #250
    PokerOwned Master mathkid's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    I think freeroles are good but few and far between are the cashes. you should start playing the .60 cent sng on carbon u like carbon? what do u know about lock and do u like lock or carbon better

    thanks and I hope u continue to do very well with the freerolls

    have fun!

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