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  1. #151
    Elite PokerOwned Member marlais's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Nice. What stakes do you play with your BR where it currently is?
    Got a fast GPU? Crunch Bitcoin calculations for PayPal $$$. See my profile for link!

  2. #152
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Nice. What stakes do you play with your BR where it currently is?
    I am playing .02/.04 ($4NL) cash games. I play about 8-12 tables at once, around 8 hours a day.

  3. #153
    Seasoned Veteran
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    sorry for all the incoveniece guys and admins,it was a stupidity to beg for money.i will play freerolls and i will make my bankroll.i have already started to win in our freerolls,taking the the first place in the freeroll.thanks pokerowned.

  4. #154
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    I think that was pretty impressive. You should continue to improve man. Keep working hard.

  5. #155
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    It has been almost a month since my last update so I thought it would be a good time to catch back up with the thread.

    On 11/21/2012 my carbon bankroll was $580.00. I hit a rut for a few weeks where I couldn't break the $600 mark and I was getting frustrated with my game. After winning 5BB/100 hands over my first 50,000 hands at 4nl and feeling great, my next 20k hands was a little under breakeven. I went from 11 winning sessions in a row, to 3 days of losing sessions. I was starting to question myself and if I was even a winning 4nl player. Over my next 50k hands I started running better and seeing my good play pay off again. It really made me understand how sick and brutal variance can be, even over 20k and 50k hand samples.

    I have played over 130,000 hands at 4nl. When I started I was 6-8 tabling to get into the groove. I am now 12-16 tabling with 12 being the minimum. And I have played 18 table sessions several times. I feel really comfortable with the number of tables I am playing.

    I have won two $109 tix from freerolls, one of which I used for poker maximus (and I bubbled AK < 1010 for 32 big blinds). I got around 185th/1200 runners. I am saving up my other 109 tix, and will continue to save any other tix I win.

    I have been selling off my side bankrolls for points and paypal, so they are all currently low. It has allowed me to go over a month without doing any surveys though =) (sorry zab!).

    I am proud to say I passed the $800 mark yesterday!!!! My current goals are: 1. reach $1000 bankroll on carbon 2. play 200,000 total hands at 4nl 3. be confident I am the best 4nl reg. When I meet these goals I will be moving up to 10nl. And I will begin to play tournies. I am going to be playing mostly $1.10-$5.50 buyins with the best structure and value possible. The most expensive tournies I will play will be $11 shots, that have great value. I will try to use winnings from 10nl to cover tournament buyins until I bink a score. Until then, I plan on grinding out 4nl =)

    Updated Bankroll:

    Carbon $813.86
    Sportsbook $0.22
    Hero Poker $0.50
    Bet Online $0.95
    America's Card Room $1.51
    Juicy Stakes $6

    Total: $823.04

  6. #156
    PokerOwned Demi-God AcesUp1439's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Very nice bankroll sharking. I need lessons so I can get a bankroll like that.

  7. #157
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    I'm very impressed man. I have not seen anyone in this forum ever do something like this. Keep it up.


  8. #158
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    is there any advice you could give me?

  9. #159
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    is there any advice you could give me?
    Theres a lot of advice I could give you. Would be easier if you had specific questions, but I can try to just do a vague overview of advice.

    1. bankroll management doesn't just happen. you have to really want it.
    2. set goals and stick to them
    3. its really hard to use bankroll management on less than $100, but the bigger your roll gets the more you have to protect.
    4. rule of thumb have 100 buyins in your roll for a tourney. So buy in with 1% of your roll or less
    5. use the filters in carbon to show only the games within your bankroll (example $0 to $5)

    I always recommend being more willing to go broke and take shots when you have under $100. Once you bink $300-$500+ though be very strict about your bankroll management. If you want to do what I did, I only played freerolls until my roll was big enough to start playing. It took me 2 months to freeroll to $400. A normal person who doesnt play every single day could prolly reach $200 in 5-6 months.

  10. #160
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Easiest way to build a BR right here.haha.

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