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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    5 and 25 Rule - Playing Small Pocket Pairs

    Source: P5 Article

    This is actually how I play my smaller pairs 22- TT, any comments?

    The 5 and 25 Rule -

    "Limp a small pair if your stack is at least twenty-five times the big blind. Push all in if your stack is equal to or less than five times the big blind, and fold preflop if your stack is in between these two values."

    Here is the reasoning behind this rule:

    Limping with 25x or more than the big blind is generally a good idea in low-limit play because the other players are much more likely to go broke with just top pair, should you hit your set. In addition, often when you are raised before the flop, you will have the implied odds to call and attempt to mine a set. When you do hit, your opponents who call too often are in deep trouble most of the time.

    Some times when you should break this part of the rule:

    - Early in a low-limit rebuy tournament where raises are frequent and often much larger than the standard 3-4x the big blind. Fold instead to avoid the poor implied odds you will surely receive.

    - A very active table with a lot of preflop raising and reraising. Fold to stay out of the raise war.

    - When the average stack is less than 25x the BB, because you are, in effect, only playing with the chips that equal that of your opponents when they enter the pot.

    - When the average preflop raise is five times the big blind or more. You will have to fold too often preflop when they raise to make the call mathematically justifiable.

    Pushing with 5x the big blind or less is usually correct because you are in danger of blinding out soon, and this is likely the best hand you are going to see. It's important to give yourself a chance at survival and preserving your fold equity.

    Some times where you should break this part of the rule (in these cases, fold because your even cEV coinflip costs you $EV):

    - When there are four players left in a SNG, and although you are very short, there are much shorter stacks than you left in the game.

    - On the money bubble of a SNG with a frisky chipleader.

    - Multi-seat supersatellites where only a few eliminations must occur before you get the seat.

    Folding when in your stack is in between 5x and 25x the big blind is often the correct play because you have to depend on a lot to go well for you to win, and your ability to call a raise is now compromised due to poor implied odds.

    Some times to break this part of the rule:

    - Push with a few more than 5x the BB at a tight table, where you are less likely to be called with overcards or a pair that just slightly beats yours.

    - Sometimes limp with 15-20x the BB at tables with two or more players who tend to limp aces or kings before the flop. This gives you plenty of opportunity to either have the best hand at the table or hit a set against these monsters.

    - Limp along with 15-20x the BB when you have a limper or two in front of you. This increases your pot and implied odds, because if you hit a set, you're more likely to have someone come along for the ride.

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Pro jrs015's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    22-88 I would apply this too.
    (not saying to over play 10's and 9's)

    But once you get to 8's you have about the same number of cards over as under. With 10's and 9's you are going to see alot of flops with all unders.

  3. #3
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Thanks for sharing this. Nice information.

  4. #4
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    thanks for taking the time to share this sounds good to me

  5. #5
    Experienced Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Don't limp a small pair at all if you are at a table with any reasonably decent players, who will realize you are weak and just raise you off the hand preflop.

  6. #6
    CEO - Truth Commission rivdee's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Interesting approach. I think it's always beneficial to shove with 10BB or less with a hand you wanna play (gotta protect the hand) but this is a little different take - I hate limping anyway with that situation.

  7. #7
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    this a interesting view point to think about how to play. too much to take in.

  8. #8
    PokerOwned Pro
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    This is actually how I play my smaller pairs 22- TT, any comments?

  9. #9
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    yea interesting seems liek a descent strategy!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by robhimself View Post
    Don't limp a small pair at all if you are at a table with any reasonably decent players, who will realize you are weak and just raise you off the hand preflop.
    You call a raise..

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