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  1. #21
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Im a bad ass live tourney player that earns my living grinding in Vicksburg Ms.... on the boat... just sayin'

  2. #22
    PokerOwned Pro
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    This is a BP disaster, with a Chick-fil-a press release.

    Regardless of whether you like/dislike anonymous players. For a VP of one of the largest US poker sites to make a statement like that is just appalling. Something like that being said by these companies is just damaging to whats trying to be accomplished for US online poker.

  3. #23
    PokerOwned God rrickir's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    LOLOL maddjek. I AGreee here... I Never de posit, and i think bovada, like poofy said. is a fairly easy site to build ur broll on too. I like the ananonymous thing at the cash tables i play there, the hi l o games. there are a lot of bad players too.but noone can stalk u to other tables when u leave and move to another one too LOL...... I do see ur points Vito,, if u like to use PT program tho, then its not as good for that kind of player.I dont think us players that DONT use PT progaram are alll bad players tho, I still like thier customer support also. P.S> i toght ur rant was goona be about the bad beats vito, ot that weird glitch i experienced 2x .. hehe

  4. #24
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Interesting. Wonder why this didn't make some type of headline like on cardplayer or pokerlistings.

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