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  1. #21
    PokerOwned Pro
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    yes u can go to a casino and bring up players information, gus hansen does it all the time, he takes notes on every hand he plays - now if i did this myself and wrote it on paper would that be cheating? just because i step up to the modern technology and have a computer do it for me is no different. it is available to everyone. the only reason sites dont like it and label it cheating is because you are paying someone else for the service and not them, and they wont provide the service because amateurs dont know what the information means and would be scared away. what about using sharkscope - is that cheating too? What about reading a poker book or taking a course in micro-expression reading - is that cheating? What about taking beta-blockers? the only cheating in poker is collusion and looking at peoples cards - neither of which is a result of ay of the above

  2. #22
    PokerOwned Pro
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    if you are going to be strong in labeling it cheating you need to say why

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