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  1. #1
    PokerOwned God rrickir's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    some info bout bodog, but i didnt even know we could still plaly there??/

    Volunteer Hackers Help Bodog Poker Make Security More Robust
    Bill Beatty
    December 7, 2011
    5 Comments and 0 Reactions We’ve talked quite a bit over the past week about Bodog Poker’s new anonymous poker tables and their reasons behind the move. Essentially Bodog wanted to protect its players from poker sharks and the other predators who circle the waters of online poker. They wanted to ensure all players, not just those using technology as an unfair crutch to exploit the system, had a fair game.

    Thanks to Kyle Boddy of Seattle Washington, a flaw in the Bodog Poker security was exposed. The exploit Boddy’s friend discovered and Boddy made public was similar to the exploit people discovered to crack Party Pokers anonymous tables, although unlike Party Poker, the players original screen names were never publicized.

    The Poker client would hold on to players account numbers, albeit with some minor security. 99.9% of people wouldn’t know the first steps to take to exploit the software but thankfully, Boddy is part of that 0.1% who looks for exploits and security flaws. The exploit was a simple fix that the Bodog Poker technicians were able to repair overnight.

    Bodog Poker released this statement concerning the exploit and the fix.

    “The talents of the online poker community have been enormously helpful in testing the new software we have released. Obviously, any release has its teething problems and equally obviously we take any fault very seriously & we have released an update we are confident have addressed the most pressing issues.

    The input of poker players and software professionals since our launch has helped us make our system more robust and highlight how strong the poker community is.

    As for the debate on the rights and wrongs of anonymous tables, we are thrilled with how the pros and cons are being discussed. From our own stand point we are sure that depositing players are the lifeblood of the industry and encouraging the casual player to have a better experience will make the poker eco-system better for all types of player.”

    It’s hard to say whether Boddy had altruistic reasons for looking for security weaknesses, like the people from the hacktivist group Anonymous who spend their time exposing government secrets to the public for the greater good of society. Or did Boddy have a more personal or opportunistic reason for trying to exploit the poker software.

    Kyle Boddy, KyleB in the 2+2 forums is the Chief Marketing Officer behind the hand-reselling site If you are unfamiliar with Boddy’s site, they exploit poker operators’ data without permission. They package the data and resell it to poker players for a handsome profit.

    These guys are precisely the kinds of people that Bodog does not want scalping their recreational poker players so this move by Boddy and his “friends” is helping Bodog out in a number of ways. Not only is this an example of a highly effective and entirely free volunteer QA system, but in putting the efforts into packaging this message in the way they are and releasing it to the online poker grinder community, they are likely helping Bodog drive away more of the undesirable predatory players from their ecosystem.

    If you have any further information related to this story that you would like to share with us privately please click here.

    soundssss inerestinggg, bu ti thought bodog poker was gone now tho foir usa????

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    they were supposed to open a new site for usa and bodog was supposed to close to usa
    i think they thought better of it

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Admin Poof's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    I am pretty sure as of the first of the year that is still a go. Bodog will be for non US, and the US accounts will still remain in tact but under a new name.

  4. #4
    Elite PokerOwned Member Bastian2607's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    I dont play at Bodog ...

  5. #5
    PokerOwned God wagon596's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Bastian2607 View Post
    I dont play at Bodog ...
    Give it a try, you get checks fast and free,,,,the checks are sent via FedEx at no charge to player....

  6. #6
    Elite PokerOwned Member GIOMi6's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    I do not play at Bodog anymore, because I do not like the software and there aren't many freerolls to build your bankroll.

  7. #7
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    At one time I did think bodog was closed to US player's. Until I saw on a forum they accepted Americans

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