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  1. #11
    PokerOwned God abwil2's Avatar
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    And maybe its because no one has thoroughly went thru hands to see if the cards were being setup or what not.. theres no way to keep a database of "live" poker so how could you tell whats normal beside the results you remember live and how often you get bad beated by trash.. All you have to go on is odds which is readily available anywhere. There are good runs and bad runs in live and online. There definitely seems to be more setup hands online and bad beats. But theres no way to prove it when you dont have statistics of live play. Sure you could deal hands out to how many ever youd like and see what would happen if they all played and never folded but that isnt how odds came about anyways.

    As with the 2 story's above there is no way to confirm or deny the legitimacy of there audits other then by saying who these 2 companys work for on a regular basis. The KGC is a JOKE is in authority by name alone. If it were rigged do you think these companys would come out and say so? Hell no!! they say they would have alot to lose if they were rigged but how? Whos gonna know? Whos gonna over see it? Who would file charges? NO ONE there is no way you could even if you knew they were rigged. The only ones really defending these sites are the ones who are winning, whether it be from there hands holding or getting lucky and bad beating people. Dont ya think its funny that no pro has ever stood up about this and said they believe they arent rigged? That and why are these online winners no good live? and the pros no good online? the only True random shuffle is SEVEN shuffles not 6 or 8.

    Its a funny topic no matter which side of the fence you are on. if you believe and are still playing then you know what you in for before you even play(hoping one day it will be in your favor LOL ) and if you dont you know its always in the back of your mind. I personally would like to think its not but after a rough session theres nothing else to think but that it is. The main thing i guess that make people believe its rigged is its a computer and anything can be set in a program for what ever they want the results to be (in the long run). Im still hoping that it really isnt but have played ALOT of poker live and online and in my experience (100 hands is 100 hands no matter how fast you get there) and online you will see 3x as many bad beats as live. But maybe im just on the down side of odds online and not hitting that bad variance live and its catching up on me online. Who knows? We prolly never will.

  2. #12
    PokerOwned Master gefishy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steves22 View Post
    I will never put money on a casino or poker site because all it is is a computer system. Any computer system can be broken and cheated on. Wheter it be from the inside or outside of the company.
    See, to me, it would be exhausting to live that way. I deposited on Full Tilt, not necessarily because I had any "faith" in the system, but because I love poker. We all need to remember that this is a game. If you choose to do it for a living that's one thing, but for me, I just want to get better, have fun, and meet new people who like poker too.

  3. #13
    Elite PokerOwned Member jcolee2's Avatar
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    probably all rigged

  4. #14
    Library Master Champion eqgh5uea's Avatar
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    What do they mean by 'generating one of the 67 zeros based on our mouse movements?'

    Good read.

    P.S. On a lighter note, one time I was playing Full Tilt and I got AK over and over like 3 times in a row and they'll all lost... I was really stoned and I thought itwas a conspiracy but later on I shuffled my deck of cards and low and behold 2 a-k sets came up along with a couple of "pockets." T'was weird.

  5. #15
    PokerOwned God
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    I guess there will never be a definite answer on this.

  6. #16
    PokerOwned Master gefishy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MIGO14 View Post
    I guess there will never be a definite answer on this.
    As with everything we didn't create ourselves, it is a matter of trust. If you can't trust the site, you shouldn't play there. If you play there and lose, don't blame the site.

    When it comes to gambling, bet only what you are willing to lose. Otherwise, it gets awful emotional...

  7. #17
    PokerOwned God
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    You are absolutely right. Thats why I only play on the big sites.
    If I loose I never blame them, as you said: Its a game and I play it to have fun.

  8. #18
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    cardschat is a very rigorous, not very pleasant, the truth that in places so I do not like to enter

  9. #19
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    stev u right defently never put money on casino sites lol u only gonna lose it

  10. #20
    Library Master Champion eqgh5uea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AAChipMagnet View Post
    You were really stoned? lol Love it. The AKs must keep coming out because of that reefer man.
    Ya, I thought some programmer was screwing with my head.

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