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  1. #1
    PokerOwned God rrickir's Avatar
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    Dec 2010

    a post i saw on 2+2 just now bout some of the issues now with merge...

    i know this is long post by the hero ceo, dave, but thought some of u here mite like to see some of the things th ey are tryin to work on now first LOL so enjoy reading if u can stand it ))) ****UPDATE****
    Ok, I just got an update just as I was about to log off, so apologies if this isn't in a more nicer format, but I'm just trying to get the info out properly right now:


    1) "p2p transfers aren't working."

    *They are working, but not in the way they were intended for people hitting limits. Fix in progress

    2) "auto post blinds option needs to be on each table (as opposed to only in the lobby ... we need to be able to turn this on/off on a table-by-table basis). You'll infuriate cash game grinders without this."

    *In review now

    3) "Not being able to see which players are at each table in the lobby is really bad. The players that multi table and add liquidity need ease of use. Two-three clicks to see players doesn't work. You need to be able to click the table and see the list. Put it where the upcoming tournaments area is since that is basically wasted space."

    *Can see by single click on the small arrow, but not loading as fast as before (my comment, was virtually instant in beta)

    *Upcoming tournament area is for brand and network promotions, it may be reused, but was a request by network sites, right now it is the default feed of tournaments for most network sites

    4) Having to right click and then click again to access notes is really bad. "There needs to be a one click/double click option available."

    *You are supposed to be able to double-click to open the player details popup. This is a bug that'll be resolved as soon as the lag issues are sorted

    5) "Can't see what tables you sitting at/which tournaments registered for and playing in"

    *This is built, but currently disabled to help with the lag issues. Once the lag is sorted it will return.

    6) "HHs have to be manually located and aren't popping up on the table"

    *Aware of issue-pending

    7) "As of last night, MTT table balancing not working correctly. Some people are short handed or heads up with 100+ people left in the MTT."

    *Symptom of the lag issues.

    8) "Some tables in tournaments last night didn't return from break. Some people were playing while others were on break for 30+ minutes."

    *Symptom of the lag issues.

    General Remarks from Dev:
    In relation to the above, these are manageable/fixable issues in progress, some bugs, but others related to the 'lag' issue.
    Certain functionality has been disabled that have been seen contributing to the 'lag' which is actual related an overload on certain game servers that affects normal functioning slowing down - which is being actively addressed.

    General Remarks from me in Dave 'speak' (meaning non technical and my view)
    *As I understand it, the system was tested for load, but the issue has been, in the actual environment, when one server was overloaded, it caused a snowball effect on the other servers, so while it was tested as fine: in the live environment, the unexpected effect of a single overloaded server which ends up snowballing is what is creating most of the issues in terms of the lag.

    So some issues are the lag, so if that clears up, we'll have a clearer picture of the bugs and game play modifications required.

    Ok, I'm late, but I didn't leave anything out.
    *This is not meant to be the be-all-end-all of updates, it simply is one update and the Dev team is still working on the other issues and will update me when they can*

    I will update again as soon as things come in.
    I apologize in advance if some of the tech things don't make sense or I haven't explained it as well, I had to take the points out of a general email update sent to me.

    Again, this isn't meant to appease anyone, it is an update, and of course it is expected and we'll endevour to work through this process as best as we can.

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Demi-God bigphatmike's Avatar
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    HHs stand for?

  3. #3
    PokerOwned God Drywallman3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigphatmike View Post
    HHs stand for?
    stands for Hand History, HH

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  4. #4
    PokerOwned Pro donaldmega's Avatar
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    Thanks rrickir, hope they get this all sorted out soon. It has been nothing but a headache for us all the last couple days.

  5. #5
    PokerOwned Veteran confused247's Avatar
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    Thanks for the post. Its good that merge acknowledges what is wrong with the software, but its a shame that the functionality wasn't tested more thoroughly before it was released.

  6. #6
    Experienced Member
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    Did they say anything about SNG black screens and lag for refunds?? Because I didnt get my REFUND!!

  7. #7
    PokerOwned God Paisleysky's Avatar
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    Early in the day I quit playing because it took so long to play each hand, was timing players out etc. Then later around 2pm it was running much better. Later in the evening all the tables in the sitngo lobby disappeared and are still not back as of 15 mins ago.

  8. #8
    PokerOwned God rrickir's Avatar
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    they seem to owe soo many refunds across all of the merge sites, not sure what they goona do> i havent even tried to play any tourneys at all yet tho, yet,. they are using players as guinea pigs now i think. LOL.. hopefully itt gets better soon tho..

  9. #9
    PokerOwned God LvegasL1's Avatar
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    Thanks 4 the update. Carbon just this second booted me they said for 30 mins to update we will see.
    "Maybe Poker's Just Not Your Game"

  10. #10
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Apr 2012
    I hope everything is fixed soon !

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