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  1. #1
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Poker Nordica Refugees - Look here!

    Poker Nordica Refugees - Look here!
    Hi all,

    As you may or may not know, Poker Nordica ? a skin on the Merge Gaming Network, closed earlier this week.

    All players who have an account that has a real money balance at Poker Nordica, are now able to move their bankroll over to CarbonPoker. In addition to moving your bankroll, if you had rakeback at Poker Nordica, we will be able to offer you rakeback with us at CarbonPoker as well: 35% rakeback, paid daily, for life.

    To take advantage of this opportunity, please follow the directions below:

    1) Delete your cookies;

    2) Download CarbonPoker

    3) Register a CarbonPoker account at: Online Poker - Play Poker Games and Tournaments at Carbon Poker!

    4) Email [email protected] and include:

    Your Poker Nordica player ID;
    Your new CarbonPoker player ID;
    A request to move your bankroll, and your rakeback (if they had rakeback at Poker Nordica) over to CarbonPoker.

    We will action all of these requests as quickly as possible, but please understand it may take up to 12 hours to process each request. Please also understand that Friday and Monday are public holidays, so if you do not get in early, you may have to wait until Tuesday for this to be completed.

    If you know any Poker Nordica players, you can help them out by passing along this information and linking them to this thread.

    Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

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    Hi all,

    As you may or may not know, Poker Nordica ? a skin on the Merge Gaming Network, closed earlier this week.

    All players who have an account that has a real money balance at Poker Nordica, are now able to move their bankroll over to CarbonPoker. In addition to moving your bankroll, if you had rakeback at Poker Nordica, we will be able to offer you rakeback with us at CarbonPoker as well: 35% rakeback, paid daily, for life.

    To take advantage of this opportunity, please follow the directions below:

    1) Delete your cookies;

    2) Download CarbonPoker

    3) Register a CarbonPoker account at: Online Poker - Play Poker Games and Tournaments at Carbon Poker!

    4) Email [email protected] and include:

    Your Poker Nordica player ID;
    Your new CarbonPoker player ID;
    A request to move your bankroll, and your rakeback (if they had rakeback at Poker Nordica) over to CarbonPoker.

    We will action all of these requests as quickly as possible, but please understand it may take up to 12 hours to process each request. Please also understand that Friday and Monday are public holidays, so if you do not get in early, you may have to wait until Tuesday for this to be completed.

    If you know any Poker Nordica players, you can help them out by passing along this information and linking them to this thread.

    Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

    Kind Regards
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    Forum Games

  2. #2
    Elite PokerOwned Member maxima191's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Glad I never played there
    "Take My Bankroll-Plz!"

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