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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    i used to play on pokerstars and yes i hateee it lol , i loose most of the time there

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by GIOMi6 View Post
    Why hate Pokerstars?? It is not rigged, they use a random generator program. Poker is a game of skills and also some luck.
    The Luck-factor we cannot control and variance is also a important component in this game. Don't be mad at the pokerroom, but enjoy the game, your luck wiil change!

    Greetings from GIOMi6.
    hahahaha! u can always tell the people that work 4 the sites.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    In regards to Poker Stars

    I have just recentley joined this forum, yet i am not new to the game of poker. In it's various forms. Poker Stars is a great site if you want to practice. Folding, that is. I play consistantely in live games as well as internet. I have naver seen 10/ 4 of a kinds in 1 tourny until poker stars. Lucky if I see 10 a year in live play Absolute probably has the fairest software program of them all. Full tilt takes a distant second. But Poker Stars has to be the most predictable bad beat site of them all. You have to logically question things when the odds are repeatedly overcome, with runner, runner. How is it that three handed everyone involved catches a good piece. I have seen the worst poker players be semi successful at Poker Stars. I hope everybody reading understands that I have also beatin other players when I truly knew it was the program and a bad beat. I would not reccomend making a deposit on this site, as it is clearly evident that you are simply flipping a coin 50% of the time. For what it is worth I spend mostof my time playing and winning live tournaments.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    One more thing, how about a program that has a set shuffle prior to each deal. Rather than a computer generated variable.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    BeforeI leave, just a little food for thought. Has anyone else ever noticed how few Americans place on the freerolls. I wonder if it is due to the difficult standards set on Americans for deposits. Simply stated we represent 90% of the player pool, but rarely ever place in the freerolls. Things that make you go hmm.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    pokerstars has never been a sight of choice for me.i will play a private freeroll there and thats pretty much about it.i feel more comfortable at lower number of peeps sites.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Do not be upset man! As said one man: It happens! And in poker very often, just do not fall in tilt!

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    so nice 2 hear sum voices of reason.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Sbdog333 View Post
    I have just recentley joined this forum, yet i am not new to the game of poker. In it's various forms. Poker Stars is a great site if you want to practice. Folding, that is. I play consistantely in live games as well as internet. I have naver seen 10/ 4 of a kinds in 1 tourny until poker stars. Lucky if I see 10 a year in live play Absolute probably has the fairest software program of them all. Full tilt takes a distant second. But Poker Stars has to be the most predictable bad beat site of them all. You have to logically question things when the odds are repeatedly overcome, with runner, runner. How is it that three handed everyone involved catches a good piece. I have seen the worst poker players be semi successful at Poker Stars. I hope everybody reading understands that I have also beatin other players when I truly knew it was the program and a bad beat. I would not reccomend making a deposit on this site, as it is clearly evident that you are simply flipping a coin 50% of the time. For what it is worth I spend mostof my time playing and winning live tournaments.
    yeah, theres been a few times that i chased hands on poker stars that i would never chase in live poker, just cuz i know how often the bad beats cum, not just 4 me but 4 others 2. hands where i need runner runner 2 win. it actually works sumtimes 2. lol! does absolute allow u.s. players? i seem 2 remember trying 2 download that site but not being allowed 2 cuz i was in u.s.

  10. #30
    Master Sergeant
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    jokerstars is just like full tilt...make it hard to get ur money but easy to deposit...fukin german assholes tryin to steal ur money...and its rigged...hahaha

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