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  1. #11
    PokerOwned Moderator CoddBrunson's Avatar
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    Dec 2010
    PokerStars is stupid. Not because it is against you, but for many reasons. The worst being (1) PokerStars represents tournament chips with a dollar sign in front of them. This is incorrect. Stupid. Adds confusion to the game and to normal poker players who aren't used to that level of stupidity. No where else in the world do they do this. And it's for a reason. (2) Not showing tournament payouts until after the tournament has begun. Geez, I don't know, but other than the buy in amount, and what kind of game it is, the payout structure is the next most important part of my decision making process, whether or not to enter said tournament.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by wooo View Post
    bad beats happen all the time
    its part and parcel of the game
    as long as your good hands hold up most of the time
    then you should make more than you lose
    i do make more than i lose, but not as much as i should be making, because my good hands DON'T hold up MOST of the time. my hands that are favorites 2 win, only win half the time, if that much. i win by getting people 2 fold.

  3. #13
    PokerOwned Moderator CoddBrunson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gtrippp View Post
    Since the odds of just one person flopping a set are pretty slim, you would think that the odds of 2 people both matching their pocket pair on the flop would be astronomical. Yet, I see it every day playing online. I don't think I've ever seen it in a live game, or even on tv.
    You obviously have not played a lot of live poker. Live and online are completely different. In a live game, you might be lucky to see 200 hands. Online, you can see that in an hour. Big difference. And who cares what you do or don't see on tv. That's edited. It has no bearing on real life.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by CoddBrunson View Post
    PokerStars is stupid. Not because it is against you, but for many reasons. The worst being (1) PokerStars represents tournament chips with a dollar sign in front of them. This is incorrect. Stupid. Adds confusion to the game and to normal poker players who aren't used to that level of stupidity. No where else in the world do they do this. And it's for a reason. (2) Not showing tournament payouts until after the tournament has begun. Geez, I don't know, but other than the buy in amount, and what kind of game it is, the payout structure is the next most important part of my decision making process, whether or not to enter said tournament.
    i had noticed that, but it didn't affect me cuz i usually play set player sng's where the prizes ARE listed before the tourney starts. i do know what you mean, tho, cuz i actually checked out a couple tourneys cuz i was thinking about playing, but didn't, cuz of the reason u just mentioned. i didn't want 2 play if i didn't know the prize structure. bodog tries 2 list the prizes beforehand, but its software sux and ends up lagging, leading u 2 believe that there's 50 people in the tourney, until it starts and u find out that there's actually 1000 people. full tilt is the best at listing the prizes before hand, and i really like their previous hand option, that shows the whole table AND cards, instead of writing it so u have 2 read the whole thing.

  5. #15
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    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by CoddBrunson View Post
    You obviously have not played a lot of live poker. Live and online are completely different. In a live game, you might be lucky to see 200 hands. Online, you can see that in an hour. Big difference. And who cares what you do or don't see on tv. That's edited. It has no bearing on real life.
    so does that mean that you DON'T know the answer 2 my question? and EXACTLY, tv poker IS edited, 2 show the most interesting hands. u don't get more interesting than 2 people both flopping sets. u see all the time on tv where 2 people both get pocket pairs, cuz those are interesting hands. u don't see both of them flopping sets, tho, do u? and i'm sure i've played MORE live poker than u, since i did years in prison where all we did was play poker from lock out in the a.m. til lock in at nite.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    hah, i can say only that is poker man! and i have seen such situations, where 2 players having their set. And, in addition, how do you think, what's for some respectable site would do this for Jonny against Jimmy, who are playing at the same table... ? have you thought about this?

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by en3rgy View Post
    hah, i can say only that is poker man! and i have seen such situations, where 2 players having their set. And, in addition, how do you think, what's for some respectable site would do this for Jonny against Jimmy, who are playing at the same table... ? have you thought about this?
    how OFTEN have u seen that? if u say pretty often, then ur lying. and i'm sure things are different on the high stakes tables where they play. plus, good players don't get into as many situations where they have 2 suck out.

  8. #18
    -(^_^)- ProBlackbird's Avatar
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    You right but there is some high stakes player that are
    PokerStars: ProBlackbird | Betsson: ProBlackbird | Party Poker: UnknownFlush

  9. #19
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Jan 2011
    Yeah im not a fan of pokerstars either really the river seems to always hit for my opponent say %90 of the time.

  10. #20
    Elite PokerOwned Member GIOMi6's Avatar
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    Jan 2011
    Why hate Pokerstars?? It is not rigged, they use a random generator program. Poker is a game of skills and also some luck.
    The Luck-factor we cannot control and variance is also a important component in this game. Don't be mad at the pokerroom, but enjoy the game, your luck wiil change!

    Greetings from GIOMi6.

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