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  1. #1
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    May 2011

    My Cake Poker is now working

    I have played ring games and freerolls on Cake, However, when I need to enter a password, It never allowed me a place to put the password. So I have a bad version of Cake software.

    To fix this...
    I noticed that I had 2 versions of Cake poker(one said Cake Poker 2.0 and the other says Cake Poker) out on the add/remove programs screen from the Control Panel. I was able to remove the Cake Poker 2.0 program using the add/remove program. Upon trying to remove the Cake Poker program, I kept getting an error message saying 'no skin on file' and so it could not remove the Cake Poker program from the add/remove programs screen.

    I went to My Computer, then my C: drive, Opened Program Files, Sure enough there was the offending files. I deleted the Cake Poker folder. Then re-downloaded the Cake software. It worked like a charm in time to regster and put in the password for the 35 point Cake Poker tourney tonight.

    Only 10 players, so everyone got paid. I placed 5th for 60 cents. Thanks for the poker tourneys PokerOwned.

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Dang it. Now on Tuesday, I have the same problem reappear. I entered the password, it said registration unsuccessful. I might have entered the password wrong. Fortunately, it gives me a 2nd attempt to register, but no place this time to enter a password. Rats, I could fix this, hopefully, in an hour if the passsword was released an hour early. There is no way in 90 seconds to fix a problem like this. And, now I have to wait until I have a tourney that uses a password to recreate the problem, so I can work on it. And I need a password released more than 90 seconds before the tourney begins.

  3. #3
    PokerOwned God SendCookies's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Yeah, cakes software is glitchy as hell. What normally works for me is I don't have anything else running on the computer I play cake on. It's a pain but, that seems to work for me. GL

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Moderator
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Cake 2.0 sometimes won't let me register in private tournies. I accidentally forgot and opened 2.0 and got screwed in the last cake tourney here I tried to join. Other than the War freerolls, Cake 2.0 is not worth it since both clients seem to crash on me at the same rate, except the 1.0 client doesn't give me problems for private tournies.

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