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  1. #1
    PokerOwned Veteran NascarFanSS's Avatar
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    Merge Debate .. All In The Numbers

    I believe what people confuse as Merge being rigged has more to do with the numbers .. when i say numbers I mean the number of strong vs weak players on Merge which imo is like 20% strong / 80% weak. Carbon was loaded with weak players when I first played here 5 years ago and is still loaded with weak players now. For those of you who had never played on a Merge client and came from places like tilt, stars and ub where the numbers were more in the range of 80% strong / 20% weak there is an extremely huge difference in the quality of play. Let's not get mixed up in this good poker vs bad poker like i have been so horrible about because the fact is everyone has a different playing style. Anyone who has played on Stars and Tilt had a specific foreigner they knew to watch out for because of their loose aggressive style of play .. i know i did as well as many others. A lot of weak players couldn't make money on sites like Tilt and Stars because of the amazing amount of strong players in everything from the ring games to the sngs and mtts so they migrated to sites like Carbon where they outnumber the strong players and make money off of each If you take a look around you will notice the only place on Merge that has any real action from any real players who are there to make money is on the ring games. The differences are to outstanding to even try and compare this network to any other.

    The point is that the proof is in the pudding here folks .. The big 3 poker networks that are no longer with us attracted millions of quality players and had the pros to prove it .. Look around and read the forums .. very few experienced and/or quality players will have anything to do with the Merge network and that is why they are loaded with fish who play any 2 cards. The era of being able to play a good solid game of poker with minimal risk of running into bad play is over for now and the new era of playing any 2 cards is in. When you are used to playing 80/20 and have to deal with 20/80 your win to lose ratios get turned completely upside down. Merge has never been in the same league as any of those sites we all miss and it is pointless to expect that from it.

    At least we can still play poker and still have a chance at making some cash .. I do thank Merge for providing that!!! lol
    <joshtheking> but he doesnt want me this site is all he wants not even sex hed reather be wacking while playing raather then me on him

  2. #2
    Elite PokerOwned Member tp3rd's Avatar
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    bullpuckey............all these players from those three sites who migrated to merge should have balanced out your 20/80 percentages!!

  3. #3
    Elite PokerOwned Member bishking's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tp3rd View Post
    bullpuckey............all these players from those three sites who migrated to merge should have balanced out your 20/80 percentages!!
    Yup your wrong. There's no way that the weak players are the only one who migrated to merge.

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Veteran NascarFanSS's Avatar
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    lol we are talking about a site that has 10k people on at max and your trying to compare it to sites who had 100k people on come on guys give me a break... how many serious players do you think even waste there time on a site with carbons reputation .. not many .. like i said look around and do some research you will find the truth ..
    <joshtheking> but he doesnt want me this site is all he wants not even sex hed reather be wacking while playing raather then me on him

  5. #5
    PokerOwned God
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    I agree, that's why i just play for fun.

  6. #6
    PokerOwned God abwil2's Avatar
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    I really dont think stars and tilt had that many % wise of better players. Just the numbers were so huge, there were alot of skilled players there. So alot of them same fish are here at carbon/Merge. Granted i didnt get rich playing at either site but had numerous cash outs per site and have yet to get to cash out status but the 1 time i got into the 100k thru sat ticket and won 250. but i didnt really wanna cash out for just a hundred since i havent put anything on there in a year but im just not making the money i want too there. Its more of a break even in the long run, im up just a little in turnys.

    On a side note tho... but still carbon involved

    Donks or any 2 players in my exp used to be the bread and butter of poker and to an extent sometimes they still are. Ive seen alot with some decent little winnings. Its just with the piss poor rng at merge the long shot players are hitting there draws in big pots too often. It seems like every time i get taken out of a turny its a 2 or 3 outer or longer shots hitting . Now im not gonna sit here and lie and say i NEVER suck out cause i know better but im not playing the game to suck out like some. Whether its just cause they are that loose/agg or what but i know im going to see 10 to 15 to 1 of me getting sucked out on vrs the amount of times i suck out cause again im not playing to draws as hard as others.

    Who saying was it that said " the river changes up to 70% of the outcomes"

    So i really dont think Merge is rigged for any one person but maybe(id like to think not) more of a rigged for action kinda rng.
    Failing to Prepare is Preparing to fail : John Wooden

  7. #7
    Elite PokerOwned Member tp3rd's Avatar
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    youre wrong again Nascar.....before the fallout merges traffic was hovering at @ 1800 to 2400 players.....since the fallout max and its usualy 11.5k to 12k at peak hours!!

  8. #8
    Elite PokerOwned Member GottImHimmel's Avatar
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    Well, Nascar, I believe there's truth in your words
    "Power is my mistress. I have worked too hard at her conquest to allow anyone to take her away from me." - Napoléon Bonaparte

  9. #9
    PokerOwned Master Mrlova's Avatar
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    Merge is not rigged...I don't know why people keep saying it is. The RNG doesn't generate more action flops. The caliber of player on this site is worse like Nascar said. It's always been like that, Merge has always been a soft site and for a player that can dedicate a lot of time playing poker I feel you could honestly make a living off of the Merge games. The games are that soft. Take for example in my bankroll challenge, I'm currently down from all my freeroll winnings, but in most of the games I've lost in I've been ahead when the chips go into the pot. Is it rigged since I lost all those hands, hell no. It's just a bad run of cards. I've played over 3k hands since I started that challenge, that's not a large enough sample to say anything is rigged. On FTP I logged over a million hands and looking at my PokerTracker from that site it was clear it wasn't rigged. I don't have nearly that number on Merge, but with the numbers I do have it already is pretty clear it's not rigged. There are a few anomalies but that's due to the small sample size I have.

    On a side note, statisticians use the number 30 as the number in order to do a normal distribution plot. This is the number of samples they need to correctly determine if something is accurate according to what they predicted. I dare everyone here to track the next 30 times they get Aces and push all in preflop against one opponent and let me know how often you win. That will take you a long time to get those numbers. It's hard to get that information off of PokerTracker but I believe on FTP I had something along the lines of that situation coming up 100 times, maybe more I honestly can't remember and don't have the hand histories anymore. In those 100 hundreds I was winning a little over 70% of the time. The numbers so far from Carbon are very similar, although with a much smaller sample size.

    The point of this rambling is, merge is not rigged. To many players assume it is off of a small sample of hands. You have to play tens of thousands of hands in order to truly see the magnitude of how online poker is not rigged for action flops or for certain players.

  10. #10
    PokerOwned God abwil2's Avatar
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    Mrlova while i may disagree with your saying merge is not rigged for action. I agree with sample size needed to determine anything. until i have 10k sample size i will remain silent on my rigged for action statement.

    Heres a kicker for ya tho isnt the rigged BJ on merge run off the same rng? I think we all agree with casinos online being rigged at a higher % then B&M
    Failing to Prepare is Preparing to fail : John Wooden

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