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  1. #11
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Mar 2012
    Over/under how many days before lock parts way from merge? This is just a massive blow and mistake by the merge network. Lock poker had already gotten approved for all the guarantees and was suppose to let mtt grinders play scoop and lockops which would generate "merge" more money. For merge to just revoke this after they were already running sattys and promos is just absolutely unbelievable.

  2. #12
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Mar 2012
    Great job my merge/lock promote a special lockops build a schedule, run some sattys, get new player sign ups and deposits then wait for it.....

    Ahhh f*** you the lockops are cancelled. Lock blaming merge and merge never releasing a statement. Just flat out unacceptable by merge. Even if it was all locks idea never got it approved in such.. Merge should come out and say that rather than just putting once again ANOTHER red flag on the whole merge network. Do any of these freaking sites have a PR team that has ANY degree at all I mean come on its not freaking rocket science and hard to handle.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Lock is a shady skin, i think they were just trying to increase the number and amount of deposits.

  4. #14
    PokerOwned God rrickir's Avatar
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    Dec 2010
    i dunno whats goin with lock either,, they seemed good when they f irst started up..zab is still waiting for them to pay us from a lock poker frerrroll he held there last week too,, and they havent paid out yet, but zab had said they ttoook his moeny alrready too,who know s whats up over there now reallly.,,,((

  5. #15
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Aug 2011
    yes i dont think they liked lockops because the rest of merge was not playing in it so the other skins probably tried to do what they could to cancel it. just my opinion

  6. #16
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Mar 2012
    The whole situation sits with merge "the network". They allow lock to host a tournament series, get approved, build a schedule, ect. Then all of a sudden merge tells lock they have to cancel. Yea other sites like carbon, hero ect probably weren't happy that merge was letting lock do this. I don't blame lock poker for there statement. Of course anyone with an iq would have made it sound more professional but were dealing with people who have an equivalent to a 3rd grade education.

    If lock comes out and says for unforeseen conditions we have decided to cancel the lockops.
    A.) everyone would say that lock doesn't have the money to cover the guarantees (why would they be digging there own grave)
    B.) the doj is coming

    Other skins (cough cough) carbon were pissed that they can't get involved. Everyone knows each skin compete with each other for players. So instead of handling this behind close doors, merge makes it a PR nightmare not just for lock poker but for every skin on ther merge network. How can you freaking trust a network like merge that simply allows a skin to create a tournament series, build a schedule, freaking ALREADY running sattys into events, having new players sign up and deposit for MERGE to just revoke it and never release a statement defending themselves.

    Everyone can agree (I hope) that once this schedule was out and they were promoting it you just can't simply cancel it. Merge should have let it continue on lock or make it work on other skins (the ones bitching about it).

  7. #17
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Mar 2012
    Does anyone hear have any issues with today's events? Would love to hear some input about merge network and lock poker?

  8. #18
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by jt1018 View Post
    yes i dont think they liked lockops because the rest of merge was not playing in it so the other skins probably tried to do what they could to cancel it. just my opinion
    Lol I understand other skins didn't like it but did the idiots at merge not think about that when they approved it? Also if every other skin was soooo bent over about it why wouldn't merge just do the politically correct thing and just make it playable on every skin rather than simply NEVER releasing a statement and telling lock to cancel it when players have already been playing sattys into events.
    Just think its hilarious that merge thinks it's "ok" to make lock cancel an event they approved cause other sites were butthurt over it and never releasing a statement defending there actions.

  9. #19
    PokerOwned Veteren savelapuck's Avatar
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    Jan 2012
    This is so tilting, I deposited so f***ing much for this.

    Anyone want to buy lock dollars? ha fml

  10. #20
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by savelapuck View Post
    This is so tilting, I deposited so f***ing much for this.

    Anyone want to buy lock dollars? ha fml
    Very frustrating indeed... The merge network is a disgrace. Hopefully there working on something so we can play lockops on carbon wouldn't that just be more comical since other skins are so butthurt about it.

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