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  1. #11
    Sergeant Major
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by gtrippp View Post
    again, which site do YOU work 4? i can't believe people even try 2 argue this. the sites aren't even subtle about it. i just lost a tourney cuz my a-a got beat by 7-7. now THAT is a part of poker. it sucks, but it does happen. the stuff that i've seen online is like nuthin i've seen playin live poker, & i've seen lots of live hands. i supported myself 4 years in prison solely by playing poker. there are no bigger chasers than in prison. playing made hands against draws always come out on top in the long run, in live poker, but not online.
    This explained it all to me. You were in prison criminals always think everyone is out to get them, its the prison mentality. Also sometimes a draw can be the favorite against a flopped hand. Just because you are up against a draw doesnt mean you are the statistical favorite.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by beardown420 View Post
    This explained it all to me. You were in prison criminals always think everyone is out to get them, its the prison mentality. Also sometimes a draw can be the favorite against a flopped hand. Just because you are up against a draw doesnt mean you are the statistical favorite.
    what kind of idiot r u? the only person in prison that thinks people r out 2 get him is a guy doin shady stuff, so people probably ARE out 2 get him. u must of been one of those guys. about the only draw that is a favorite over a player w/ top pair after the flop is an open handed, suited str8 draw w/ 2 of the same suit on the board. then, it's a 56% favorite, barely better than a coin flip. again, let me say this S L O W 4 u, donks lookin 2 suck out is 2 your benefit, IF the cards are random as they are in live poker. if u r in a hand w/ 5 chasing donks, u will probably lose every hand. i'm not talkin about those hands, tho.i'm talkin about CONSISTENTLY being in hands w/ ONE other person & them hitting their one or two outter HAND AFTER HAND. and yes, i do get pissed when i'm at the casino & sumone sucks out on me, but it's not a big deal cuz more often than not, the chaser misses, & that more than makes up 4 the times when they do hit.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by gtrippp View Post
    what kind of idiot r u? the only person in prison that thinks people r out 2 get him is a guy doin shady stuff, so people probably ARE out 2 get him. u must of been one of those guys. about the only draw that is a favorite over a player w/ top pair after the flop is an open handed, suited str8 draw w/ 2 of the same suit on the board. then, it's a 56% favorite, barely better than a coin flip. again, let me say this S L O W 4 u, donks lookin 2 suck out is 2 your benefit, IF the cards are random as they are in live poker. if u r in a hand w/ 5 chasing donks, u will probably lose every hand. i'm not talkin about those hands, tho.i'm talkin about CONSISTENTLY being in hands w/ ONE other person & them hitting their one or two outter HAND AFTER HAND. and yes, i do get pissed when i'm at the casino & sumone sucks out on me, but it's not a big deal cuz more often than not, the chaser misses, & that more than makes up 4 the times when they do hit.
    open ended, i mean. not open handed. lol

  4. #14
    Sergeant xpok3rkingx's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    i think the cards are random there are alot of badbeats in online poker aswell as live poker just dont goto ub they are deinitley rigged , they were caught with there staff playing on tables seeing players full cards

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    i didn't start this post 2 argue as 2 whether or not online poker is suspect. i started it 2 beg sumone 2 cum out w/ a fair site. i'm done arguing. if anyone still has doubts, enter any poker site's name w/ the word "rigged" n2 your search engine. see how many hits u get. then, go 2 youtube & do the same thing. see how many screenshots there are of funny cards. i'm done arguing w/ people that obviously have sumthing 2 gain by convincing people that they are just terrible poker players, even tho they constantly win in live poker games.

  6. #16
    Elite PokerOwned Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    i have to agree with wooo ,,,,, this things on live poker as well , so u can't really generalize us most poker sites are rigged or sumtin, if so next ur gonna say live game is rigged

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