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  1. #11
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    If something looks too good to be true, check out if they bother to spell out the terms and conditions in big text. I disagree about tournaments, you just have to be a good tournament player.

  2. #12
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    you are absolutely right, its hard to release these bonus

  3. #13
    PokerOwned Veteran crypiter's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by madjek View Post
    I made a small deposit on juicy and saw they automatically gave me a 200% bonus. Sounded great until I looked into what it would take to release it. They give 7 fpp per dollar fee in tournaments, the fee is usually around 10% of buyin. To release the first 5 bucks i need to earn 83.3 fpp's. If I played 100 dollars in tournaments I would get around 70 fpp's, so to get the whole bonus I would have to play over 500 dollars in tournaments. So these bonuses aren't really for the recreational player, if you aren't a grinder playing all day, you aren't going to get the bonus. They kind of make you want to play higher stakes than you should to earn more pts, guess I just have to forget about it and play and hope i get a hot streak and build br up enough that i can start earning decent amount of fpp's and release some of the bonus before it expires.

    I get your point man. I don't know why anytime anyone brings up any complaint here (regardless of how small, how big, or what about) 90% of people just jump all over the person making the statement. I have fun here but there are VERY few people here I would want to be friends with. It's not the community setting I thought it would be but oh well at least the games are fun.

    To address what you said about the bonuses. I agree they are bogus. Sure they work. Sure they tell you how they work. However just as you said they act like they are giving you the greatest deal on God's green Earth. The fact is I never pay attention to any promos like this. I just deposit and if I get it, I get it. If I don't, I don't. I think having the chance to play in a few large prize free rolls for a deposit is a much better bonus. I do also believe these bonuses are designed to make you play more and at higher stakes so you are risking more and are then more likely to deposit again. I hear what your sayn' and I get your point.

    Sorry most others here just want to tell everyone how dumb they are bc they have an opinion about something. Remember everyone thought Columbus was a moron because he had this crazy idea the Earth wasn't flat. Thank goodness he didn't listen to the other little lemmings of his time. Just as many throughout the years have bucked the lemmings to advance mankind. I'm not saying your opinion here is going to change mankind or even close. I'm just saying there will always be A holes who will tear you down no matter what because it makes them feel cooler, smarter, and better, n you gotta just ignore them. GL at the tables.

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