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Thread: ClubWPT

  1. #1
    Experienced Member Nostalgia31's Avatar
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    I've been playing over there for about three weeks and racking up tournament points and trying to win cash prizes to increase my bankroll, while I learn the game.

    Anyone else out there play on here when they're not playing on their cash game site?

  2. #2
    Just 1 guy in a game MichMan's Avatar
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    I tried to register there, a lil over a year ago, but MI wasn't allowed.
    22:52 <onehotdame> pull my finger
    02:51 <onehotdame> ill miss u when u go
    14:53 <onehotdame> gotta callthePOD people
    12/17/2014 16:29 <onehotdame> your a bit of an ass when yo high

  3. #3
    Gods' God's God PokeYourFace's Avatar
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    GA not allowed either.

  4. #4
    Experienced Member Nostalgia31's Avatar
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    Wow...really? That's ridiculous...

  5. #5
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    I remember hearing about it a while ago, but forgot all about it, maybe I'll try it one day.

  6. #6
    PokerOwned Demi-God AcesUp1439's Avatar
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    I just don't think ClubWPT is worth the monthly fee of $19.95 a month.... I have played the $10 freeroll they have on there finished 2nd. Sucked because only 1st payed out.

  7. #7
    Experienced Member Nostalgia31's Avatar
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    It very well might not be worth it to many...but it's pretty invaluable if you're just learning the game. To be able to play for cash and prizes without risking more than $20/mo lets you see a lot of hands in near cash situations, you know?

    Not that it's the only site that offers this...but I believe it's the biggest and has the largest prizes. You could, if you wanted, only play in $100+ freerolls and satellites if your concern was no chance at true profit.
    Last edited by Nostalgia31; 06-08-2013 at 11:02 PM.

  8. #8
    PokerOwned Demi-God HopsBar28's Avatar
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    They gave me a 3-month full VIP membership as a trial a few months ago. I regged and played on WPT quite a bit. They advertise that the level of play is better than other places - it's not. I saw no real advantage over, for instance, Carbon, and if I continued I'd have to pay out $19.95 per month ("free poker" .... Ha!!), so I cancelled before my 3 months was up.

  9. #9
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Now researching and hearing about it a little more about the fee, I don't think it's for me.

  10. #10
    PokerOwned Veteran MPALER's Avatar
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    I played there for 4 months, won about 60$. Could care less about the 60 - It was the shot at the packages I wanted.

    Would you pay $20.00 for a game where the top prize was a 10k entry fee, Airfare and all accommodations to, say, the LAPC? You bet your arse you would.

    Problem is, you don't automatically get entry into those games! No, you gotta pay 5k in points to enter it, which means you have to make 5k in points first. O.K., you get 500 a day and if you use it wisely, as I did in SNG's, you can fairly easily make those games. Just keep in mind you have to pay taxes on the total value of the package you win. Not only that, only THE winner gets it. The rest of the field gets...can you guess? That's right...points.

    In the end, I could probably turn 20 a month into 20k before I could win one of those games. And you wouldn't believe how many members play every one, starting off by going all in on the first hand. A game worth upwards of 20 grand, played like a merge fun step one to start, then it becomes like a merge $50.00 freeroll.

    Then there was the time I found DOZENS of games being played by what could only be WPT operated computer players...They kept folding to each other, and were stuck in a loop with the blinds maxed out. The hand counts were up over 100,000! Think WPT explained that one to me adequately? WTF?

    ROFLMAO. I no longer play at club WPT. The software is the same (with a GOD MODE) that allowed the UB scandal, where a user could see all the other players cards. Not that I think the package games are rigged, but think about far as I know, only 2 of those winners ever made a cash; most get there and cannot even play poker. Do you really think they are paying out that "100 grand a month" in cash and prizes they advertise? I don't.

    Add it all up, It isn't worth 20 cents a month.

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