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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Carbon Poker Theory On Why Players Run Good or Run Bad!!!!!!

    I've been playing in the carbon poker free rolls for about 2 months now. When I first started playing I cashed in half of my first 10 tournaments and never really took any bad beats. After feeling comfortable with the site I made a $25 deposit and play micro limits to try and build a small bankroll. After slowing losing my $25 on suck outs, I started playing in the guaranteed tournaments only to have AA, Ak, and KK constantly sucked out on. After I lost the $25 I only played in the free rolls, winning one tournament, then cashing in a few not taking any bad beats just running into better hands. For the last 3 weeks I have constantly been taking brutal beats, not hitting any draws, and just not seeing any quality hands to play.

    I've now came to the conclusion that this site favors people who make deposits over people who just play in the free rolls. It makes a lot of sense where as if they keep the players that are more likely to deposit money winning hands by getting extremely lucky and seeing better quality hands they are more likely to keep depositing money on the site. This is extremely frustrating when you are playing perfect poker and still can not make deep runs in the free rolls. I don't know if it is just me or not but my luck was 1,000 times better when I made a deposit compared to now, when I haven't made a deposit in over a month.

    Input would be appreciated because I know this is happening to other good players and it has to be extremely frustrating to them as well. This is my theory and would love to hear other opinions on to why some players always run good and some players always run bad!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Danghis Khan dk12's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    i think it has more to do with... the "shit happens" theory..... cuz hey... shit happens.... i ran up my roll there to a few G's all from 0.. starting with carbon freerolls....
    "Success is a science; if you have the conditions, you will get the results" -Oscar Wilde



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    I understand that "shit happens" but how can it constantly happen hand after hand , tournament after tournament. I've never been a big fan of online poker more of a 2/5 no limit in casino or 125-350 multi table guy and I hate losing to bad beats and it just seems the stuff that happens on Carbon is too ridiculous to be random when it keeps happening over and over. Maybe I'm over reacting but it is really starting to get to me lol

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Master
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    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by NeverWinRaces View Post
    I understand that "shit happens" but how can it constantly happen hand after hand , tournament after tournament. I've never been a big fan of online poker more of a 2/5 no limit in casino or 125-350 multi table guy and I hate losing to bad beats and it just seems the stuff that happens on Carbon is too ridiculous to be random when it keeps happening over and over. Maybe I'm over reacting but it is really starting to get to me lol
    the problem is you don't play enough tournies and you need to improve your game.

  5. #5
    Experienced Member
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    Are you calling big bets when you are chasing and trying to hit your draws? AA and KK don't hold up all the time. They can be beaten. I don't think that the site can favor one person over another. That to me is crazy. I think its more about smart play and knowing when to fold your cards or bet them.

  6. #6
    PokerOwned Demi-God HopsBar28's Avatar
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    First, I'll say that, sure, it's possible that the software has been engineered to favor some faction of players over another. I just don't think that is logical or likely. If it works that way, it is exploitable, and the owners of the site would stand to lose everything in lawsuits when (not if) it came out.
    If you can get at your hand histories, try really hard to be honest and unbiased in analyzing your play. I suspect that once you got comfortable with the site, you felt more confident and perhaps started opening up your range. If others at your tables recognized that, they would be more likely to call against bets you make with your AA, AK, etc. When that happens, they have some chance of catching a suckout hand on you. What looks like differential dealing might simply be due to a table image that allows other players to feel comfortable in making calls that they might not make in a different situation.
    I'm not slurring my words. I'm talking in cursive. I believe the ladies find it to be quite elegant.

  7. #7
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by HopsnBarley28 View Post
    First, I'll say that, sure, it's possible that the software has been engineered to favor some faction of players over another. I just don't think that is logical or likely. If it works that way, it is exploitable, and the owners of the site would stand to lose everything in lawsuits when (not if) it came out.
    If you can get at your hand histories, try really hard to be honest and unbiased in analyzing your play. I suspect that once you got comfortable with the site, you felt more confident and perhaps started opening up your range. If others at your tables recognized that, they would be more likely to call against bets you make with your AA, AK, etc. When that happens, they have some chance of catching a suckout hand on you. What looks like differential dealing might simply be due to a table image that allows other players to feel comfortable in making calls that they might not make in a different situation.
    If I know someone only plays premium and I can see a flop for relatively cheap I will call with nearly anything. Because I know if I hit they are going to have trouble laying it down and I'm more than likely going to get a nice payday. #implied odds Also, If I don't hit it is going to be easy for me to throw away.

  8. #8
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Once you have more luck once others .. With nerves did not win.

  9. #9
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kibic1302 View Post
    Once you have more luck once others .. With nerves did not win.

  10. #10
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeverWinRaces View Post
    I've been playing in the carbon poker free rolls for about 2 months now. When I first started playing I cashed in half of my first 10 tournaments and never really took any bad beats.
    This was the unusual part. You were running extremely hot during those first 10 tourneys and didn't realize it. Everything else you wrote was the normal part. They don't fold on Carbon, so you're going to take suckout after suckout after suckout when you're running bad. Remember the good ole' days when this type of bad run didn't used to happen to you? That's because people were sensible and folded bad hands...nowadays, it's so hard to win that most people have given up trying so they just play shit hands just for the hell of it and it makes a bad run worse than it should be. If you want to swing back to a good run again, you might have to wait 200 - 300 - maybe even 1,000 tournaments for your luck to change again. Online it takes about 2,000 tourneys just to determine whether you're a good player or not because that's how long variance takes to iron itself out.

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