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  1. #1
    Elite PokerOwned Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Thumbs up Carbon Poker Bad Beat Jackpot Qualifications

    Bad Beat Jackpot requirements:

    The losing hand must be at least a Four of a Kind 7's
    The winning hand must be at least a Four of a Kind 8's
    Both the winning and losing hands must include both hole cards.
    At least four players must be dealt in at the start of the hand
    The hand must have generated jackpot rake (ie. $0.50)
    Two or more players must be active at the end of the hand, and it must go to showdown.
    CarbonPoker does not tolerate collusion. All players must act independently and not reveal their hands to other players, nor tell them how to act. Failure to adhere to this requirement will result in automatic disqualification from the Bad Beat Jackpot.
    Players sitting out at the Bad Beat Jackpot tables are not eligible for the Bad Beat Jackpot.
    Should two qualifying jackpot hands hit at precisely the same time, the jackpot will be awarded to the hand that began first according to CarbonPoker's server time. The second of the qualifying bad beat hands would be eligible for the reseeded Bad Beat Jackpot.
    If there are two or more hands that qualify for the jackpot within one hand, then the two highest hands will be considered for the jackpot, with the highest hand being the winning hand and the second highest hand winning the bad beat.

  2. #2
    Elite PokerOwned Member
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Hmm, seems a little bit complicated to me. Would like to know the odds for this

  3. #3
    Experienced Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    I hate that it has to be on a certain table i was playing a 5.50 buy in and my 4 of a kind 8's got rivered by 4 of a kind 9's and i was like comeon wheres the bad beat jackpot at it sucked ass

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011
    ha if only they had bad beat jackpots for tournies.Is the bad beat jackpot for any limit?

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