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  1. #21
    PokerOwned Master jbetta01's Avatar
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    Nov 2011
    thats why there needs to be over-site of all poker sites by a 3rd party company.. That way we know that there isnt any cheating and all the bitching would stop
    poker terminology-
    Drawing Dead: If you call and hit your one outer.... I will kill you..!

  2. #22
    Experienced Member
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    Dec 2011
    def rigged, saw three 4 of a kind and two royals in one tourney

  3. #23
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Dec 2010
    I have a hard time believin it would be rigged. Sometimes i do wonder though but i mean there would be no chance it was rigged i would think!!

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    lol, another rigged story. Yeah, and so are live cash tables to right. Cause when you don't win, it's gotta be rigged.

  5. #25
    PokerOwned Master BLINGBLAOW's Avatar
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    Oct 2011
    know matter what anyone says , the only real thing that gives me faith its fair is that there are top pros that have made millions online, i dont think pros would play online if it was rigged

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Carbon is not rigged, there is a pattern they deal out on hands. You have to watch the history and everything to make sure your not gonna get bad beat. Say like u folded 45 and then u saw u wuda won with the nuts, then next hand u get like JJ allin vs 55 and lose. Nuts hand b4, so u need to watch every hand and go back history and stuff. Thats my opinion.

  7. #27
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Mar 2011
    rigging poker what does it achieve jesus we all pay the same rake (micro) and to say a freeroll is rigged is laughable you should put in google BAD BEATS and watch live games

    such nonsense

    ps im not saying cheating isnt going on but that wouldnt concern a micro player would it

  8. #28
    PokerOwned God abwil2's Avatar
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    Mar 2011
    For all those saying its not possible or wouldnt make sense have there minds closed to reality. Or they are the ones whos hands always hold up in BIG pots when they are favored or are donking others with their trash lol... All online software is designed to "promote"gambling/action pots(or for the diehards setup hands).. Im not saying its rigged for any one in particular even tho it seems as the software picks and chooses who to favor each game or table. Low buyins or donk chasers do not change the odds, thats pretty plain and simple, yet in low buyins you see bad hands winning so much more often then best hand/favored hand holding up..The only tru shuffle is 7 shuffles with real cards not some fked up system(rng) that never shuffles. Theres nothing random about a system that doesnt shuffle the cards but instead uses a dozen or so decks of cards. I guess its much harder to create a rng that uses 12 decks or more vrs one deck getting shuffled. Cause the system they use is much more complicated then just shuffling the godam cards that we are playing with. Yeah seems to hard to me LMFAO
    I always love that statement of how if you complain about a site being rigged you must suck LMFAO funniest line EVER!!!! Seriously? REALLY? So then how can one be a winning player consistently live and yet be just a casher with no big scores online? I know im well over 5 digits in winnings live but cant beat a donk online. Donks are supposed to be the bread and butter of poker right? so why arent they online? Cause then these sites would only have decent to good players playing, Donks would just plain give up like they do live, Now there are alot of donks live but they are the ones who refuse to believe they suck that bad and have plenty of money backing them up.. Average income Joe(and by average i mean POOR) doesnt keep playing once he sees he doesnt have the skills or luck to be a winning player yet online they reward them more often then the decent solid/selective agressive players to keep money flowing in. Cause them donks will eventually lose it all but thats a long term outcome and means nothing in the short term when they are donking there way to a win... Im a winning player live by far and im a positive roi player online but just cant get any good cashes except for when the first black day occured in poker when most sites (besides PS and FT) quit allowing US players to play on there site. I had 14 mtt wins before that and none since. The outcome of donks hands winning have changed drastically since that day some 4 or 5 years or so ago..

    I dont think that these sites have picked and choosen certain people to just win(even tho it seems like it) but they have changed the rng to promote dumb(bingo style) gambling. The rng is set for action not to be just random. If it was they would have just programmed it to shuffle the deck ur playing with instead of using 12 or more decks to play one hand.
    Failing to Prepare is Preparing to fail : John Wooden

  9. #29
    Elite PokerOwned Member lulabell79's Avatar
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    Nov 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by abwil2 View Post
    For all those saying its not possible or wouldnt make sense have there minds closed to reality. Or they are the ones whos hands always hold up in BIG pots when they are favored or are donking others with their trash lol... All online software is designed to "promote"gambling/action pots(or for the diehards setup hands).. Im not saying its rigged for any one in particular even tho it seems as the software picks and chooses who to favor each game or table. Low buyins or donk chasers do not change the odds, thats pretty plain and simple, yet in low buyins you see bad hands winning so much more often then best hand/favored hand holding up..The only tru shuffle is 7 shuffles with real cards not some fked up system(rng) that never shuffles. Theres nothing random about a system that doesnt shuffle the cards but instead uses a dozen or so decks of cards. I guess its much harder to create a rng that uses 12 decks or more vrs one deck getting shuffled. Cause the system they use is much more complicated then just shuffling the godam cards that we are playing with. Yeah seems to hard to me LMFAO
    I always love that statement of how if you complain about a site being rigged you must suck LMFAO funniest line EVER!!!! Seriously? REALLY? So then how can one be a winning player consistently live and yet be just a casher with no big scores online? I know im well over 5 digits in winnings live but cant beat a donk online. Donks are supposed to be the bread and butter of poker right? so why arent they online? Cause then these sites would only have decent to good players playing, Donks would just plain give up like they do live, Now there are alot of donks live but they are the ones who refuse to believe they suck that bad and have plenty of money backing them up.. Average income Joe(and by average i mean POOR) doesnt keep playing once he sees he doesnt have the skills or luck to be a winning player yet online they reward them more often then the decent solid/selective agressive players to keep money flowing in. Cause them donks will eventually lose it all but thats a long term outcome and means nothing in the short term when they are donking there way to a win... Im a winning player live by far and im a positive roi player online but just cant get any good cashes except for when the first black day occured in poker when most sites (besides PS and FT) quit allowing US players to play on there site. I had 14 mtt wins before that and none since. The outcome of donks hands winning have changed drastically since that day some 4 or 5 years or so ago..

    I dont think that these sites have picked and choosen certain people to just win(even tho it seems like it) but they have changed the rng to promote dumb(bingo style) gambling. The rng is set for action not to be just random. If it was they would have just programmed it to shuffle the deck ur playing with instead of using 12 or more decks to play one hand.
    But how do you really feel about it? ~lol~ Well said.
    There are TWO rules for ultimate success in poker:
    1. Never tell everything you know.

  10. #30
    PokerOwned Pro kiddaa's Avatar
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    It does seem like it sometimes. But I have to also think that you just get to see more hands online than you do live. Maybe that is a factor. I have had the same beats live i have had online. That goes for any site. I guess I need more data to conclude otherwise.

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