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  1. #1
    PokerOwned Pro MADDCASH's Avatar
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    Jul 2012

    Big Client tournament! and some more small ones

    I think a 1150 buy in with 7.5k added would be cool for a big tournament 1k goes to the pot and 150 for rake. Maybe hold it at like 7 or 8 ET. all so have more little tournaments for 150 to 750 points all day long with just a small amount added. Turn client in to the place to play. all so may bring new players. Let me know what you all think. If we get enough people to agree maybe Zab will hook us up.

  2. #2
    PokerOwned God rrickir's Avatar
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    Dec 2010
    I think we all wish th ere more client games and with MORE bigger prizes tooo,,,,, I wd defo play them alsooooI think zab thinks theres not enuf people that play tho so idk,,,,

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Pro MADDCASH's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    That why I started the post to get members to reply. i think there would be 15 or more in the 1st 1150 game.

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Master
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    Aug 2012
    ive asked several times for bigger buyins in the client

    To be honest i dont think he cares to do that at all anytime sooon its to obvious

  5. #5
    PokerOwned Master rs3rooster's Avatar
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    Sep 2012
    the only time zab usually increases the prize is if the number of people consistently grows. with numbers the way they are i dont see that happening.

  6. #6
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by rs3rooster View Post
    the only time zab usually increases the prize is if the number of people consistently grows. with numbers the way they are i dont see that happening.
    This thread isn't about raising the prizes. Op is suggesting a different tournament. There is already a 7K added tournament so thats not much different. Don't know if you are suggesting a big buyin tournament nightly, in addition to what's already there or something else, but imo a weekly big buyin would be nice, but I don't think it would get much more interest than the small ones that are there already. I don't know if Zab is interested in making client a bigger room with more traffic, if so he could start adding something like this, I'd make it gtd instead of added so he's not just pumping money into it. A 25 dollar gtd (12.5K pts) with a 500 buyin would only need 25 players for Zab to break even. If that took off then a 25K pt gtd for 1000 buyin, still would only need 25 for him to break even. Just don't think Zab is interested in working on growing client. But to answer your original question, yes, I'd like to see bigger tourneys in client.

  7. #7
    PokerOwned God DuckU408's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rs3rooster View Post
    the only time zab usually increases the prize is if the number of people consistently grows. with numbers the way they are i dont see that happening.
    dude...he wasnt asking to raise the prize pool. He was asking if we can have tournaments with 1000 points buy in. I would play too if there was 1000 points buy in for omaha or O8 tournaments. can you add one 1k buy in per week zab?

    This is getting old. Were sick and tired of the Spurs owning us. This is the year we ride up to the challenge, Get the monkey off our back! We Believe GO Dubbssss!!

  8. #8
    TON is Gone.
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    Wither it be raising the prise pool OR adding more games rs3rooster's point is still valid. It's about the numbers.

    Right now there is not enough traffic on the site to support more client games, at least not traffic that participates actively in surveys and such. It is fine to say ZAB should do "this" or ZAB can do "that", but he doesn't just create points out of thin air, they have to come from somewhere. One could argue that if he added more games or larger prise pools more people would come, I have made that argument myself in the past when we were on Carbon. ZAB's response though has been that that simply isn't true, and frankly as I observed in those Carbon games, he was right.

    Edit: I'll add that there is a Sit'n'go 1000 point game in client that almost NEVER gets played. Why, because there are far fewer people then you might think who have the kind of points one needs to play that level of buy-in with regularity.

    Edit 2: In fact it seems it was played so little that he just flat out removed it.
    Last edited by TONelson; 11-09-2014 at 09:42 AM.
    TON is GONE. Blame the Mods. They stopped caring, or at least that's how it looks and feels.

  9. #9
    A No. 1
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    deja-vu all over again

  10. #10
    PokerOwned Pro MADDCASH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DuckU408 View Post
    dude...he wasnt asking to raise the prize pool. He was asking if we can have tournaments with 1000 points buy in. I would play too if there was 1000 points buy in for omaha or O8 tournaments. can you add one 1k buy in per week zab?
    wow You are about the only one that gets what im saying. Im not asking zab to put more money in to more tournaments. If he adds some more that would be a plus. I dont want him to change any of the tournaments that he has now, just add a few big ones for client player that want to play a much bigger game. Some of us users do LLBs bigger than what the prize pool of the add tournaments. All i was asking for was input not a bunch of negative response. If he adds 1k buy in with 100 rake he losses nothing but a little time to add the tourneys to client. And to TONelson response. client is just now starting to come to life. We all use to play on carbon and so on. now client is acting as the main room. you have to have tourneys to play if you want people on. If not you just look at a screen to wait for a freeroll. I made this post so if zab seen we could get I know 15 people in a 1k buy in. You want traffic? You have to create a reason for traffic!

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