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  1. #1
    Library Master Champion eqgh5uea's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Post Bet365 = avoid 24/7

    'The poker is rigged and they REFUSE to pay out winning bets to ppl:'

    P.S. Megatron<Starscream
    "We have met the enemy and they are ours; two ships, two brigs, one schooner and one sloop." --- O.H. Perry

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Apr 2011
    often it seems a card deck of 54 cards has 8x As und 8x K at ipoker and louzy middle connector hands hit often street ..i say hurray if i see a board without a or k at turn or river. Think software is okay, but the play is harder for players from U.S and America. cause the romans and french donks play shit like 67,q7 and often hit 2 pairs at flop..and if they hit, they play it in allin junkie mode..u cant see turn or river cheap.. (every check seems to be a - u hit nothing for them,and they make overbets)

    another thing,most player there are rich,or dont play for profit.maybe they dont need the money back they had deposit.and there is only a small group that makes really profit.80% are not skilled,and everything they do is luck. so u cant bluff someone out, everyone pays to see whatever u have. so i dont think software is rigged, the player are maniacfishis.

  3. #3
    PokerOwned God
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    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by joebottrop78 View Post
    often it seems a card deck of 54 cards has 8x As und 8x K at ipoker and louzy middle connector hands hit often street ..i say hurray if i see a board without a or k at turn or river. Think software is okay, but the play is harder for players from U.S and America. cause the romans and french donks play shit like 67,q7 and often hit 2 pairs at flop..and if they hit, they play it in allin junkie mode..u cant see turn or river cheap.. (every check seems to be a - u hit nothing for them,and they make overbets)

    another thing,most player there are rich,or dont play for profit.maybe they dont need the money back they had deposit.and there is only a small group that makes really profit.80% are not skilled,and everything they do is luck. so u cant bluff someone out, everyone pays to see whatever u have. so i dont think software is rigged, the player are maniacfishis.
    Well then you have to adopt to that style and make profit when you hit the board hard.

  4. #4
    Library Master Champion eqgh5uea's Avatar
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    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by MIGO14 View Post
    Well then you have to adopt to that style and make profit when you hit the board hard.
    I agree. The plrs aren't that bad if you wait for a monster but I played a $10.00 USD HU match and I felt like I lost automatically...
    "We have met the enemy and they are ours; two ships, two brigs, one schooner and one sloop." --- O.H. Perry

  5. #5
    PokerOwned God Paisleysky's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    More shady dealings on the internet. Sites like this are why we are having such trouble getting this shit legalized.

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