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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Bad beats on Carbon

    Ok so I did win a few days ago but I would have to say I consistently do poorly in the Carbon freeroll. Now, contrary to popular belief I am, at the very least, a decent player. Now people have made excuses that they called me because I'm a douchebag or that someone else told them how poor of a player I was. That "reasoning" aside, It doesn't speak to the high percentage of low-percentage suck-outs I have seen.
    I lived in Vegas for a few years and supplemented my income with poker. (I'd probably would have done it full time and to this day still if I didn't have so many vices. But, alas I was young and Vegas wasn't a good match for me.) Anyway, I have seen the worst beats and blow-ups. I once won a grand making a bad call with ace king vs aces just to flop trips. I've even had a few royal flushes. I've seen a lot of hands. Which seeing more hands is generally the reason given for seeing so many bad beats online. Well today I lost to someone who definitely had the better hand, and the whole way. I definitely can't complain about that, but it is the high occurrence of these type of "situations that bothers me.
    So, to prove myself wrong. I am going to post all of my "exit hands" from carbon poker for the next few weeks or so.

    1pm game (EST)
    I had pocket 3's and limped. Aces makes it a little less than 4x. I limp with the intention of folding if I don't make my set. We both flop a set. We both make a boat on turn when the board pairs. And, we end up all in after river and obviously I lose. Fun fact: the odds of making a set by the river are 1 in 7.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    4pm game (out already)
    I just called all in for my less than 250 in chips with ace two off. Admittedly not a great hand, but I had about 8 bb's and someone else had already shoved all in for about 1200 into a nothing pot (TY donkey). They had Q2 off but unfortunately for me A10 had also decided to call in as well. That A10 off called in for over 2/3rd's of their stack but most of it was against the donkey and they had most of the information in front of them. I can't say I would have made the call, but I certainly can't fault them.
    Now, how did it come about that less than 15 minutes in I had 241 chips. I'm glad you asked. Not 3 hands earlier I had 10 rag in the BB and the flop came out 10 10 Q. Under the gun, I checked. A small raise was made and I flat called. With me and only two other people in the hand a Jack came out. The only way I was beat was if someone had hit a gut shot or had a better set than me. I checked a little wary of that very thing as I know my "luck" has been particularly bad on this sight (hence the reason I started this thread). Last to act went all in. I suppose a better player could have folded. I didn't. Sure enough he had AK and had hit the gut shot for the straight. The river was a blank.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    7pm game (out already)
    So, I folded the first few hands then in the bb I flop air but I call because "roy" (Who if you know him, Is a hyper-aggressive player) has made a moderately small bet (probably because he flopped bottom two, lesson learned. Roy doesn't bet nearly as much when he thinks he is winning.) I catch a pair on the turn and call him down. I should have probably just folded.
    Now, the next hand I have tens in the small blind. Someone raises it 3.5 x to 70. I call. Roy calls. the flop is low card, 8, king. I am prepared to fold but Roy raises huge and the other guy folds. Now I am feeling much more comfortable. (Roy is a hyper-player who bets small when he thinks he is winning.) I call. The turn is a king. I am feeling great about my call now. He bets huge again. I call leaving myself with so few chips I should have shoved. I am pot committed even if he shows me a king. The river is another 8, He puts me all in, I call knowing full well he has an eight. Roy shows eight rag.
    Yea, I don't know if I'm going to prove myself wrong here (which is the intention of this thread) I think it bears repeating that the turn was a king giving me two pair and leaving one of two eights (supposing no one else folded an eight) as his only outs.

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    LMAO!! im out too, crazy shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. #5
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    keep posting them, interesting to take a look at them.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by jbarker305 View Post
    keep posting them, interesting to take a look at them.
    Will do. I was making dinner and forgot to sign up for the 10 pm last night and had an errand I had to run this afternoon which left me unable to play the 1 pm. I am currently in the 4pm but haven't played a hand yet.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    4pm game (EST)
    I lost to the better hand this time. Blind were 150/300 I have 3k chips. I had 7d8d and was second to last to act. With four other limpers I limped as well. Last to act shoves all in for about 5k. He has been doing this for a while but no one has called so I have no information. Everyone else folds. I decide to take a chance. (I am also motivated by the fact that I need to run into town and I want to make it back for the 7pm game [just saying, not making any excuses]) He has AcKc. Flop has a king. I am drawing dead on the turn. Fair enough.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    7pm game (EST)
    6 BB's and a few limpers I shove with jk off 9's calls q 7 off calls. q7 pairs 7's. 9's win. Fair enough.

  9. #9
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    I hate bad beats, and they do seem to happen more often then live!

  10. #10
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Sounds like the action I get when I've jinxed myself with some max point donkey bets... Lol....

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