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Thread: acr support

  1. #1
    PokerOwned God potfan42o's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    acr support

    Ode O:
    Hello! Welcome to our Live Chat Department, my name is Ode.

    18:56erik laugeson:

    18:56Ode O:
    Hi, How may I help you?

    18:57erik laugeson:
    our game got suspended it says to register for $44 game , that game reg is closed it says to contact live chat

    18:58Ode O:
    May I please have your username?

    18:58erik laugeson:

    18:59Ode O: Ode O:
    I will be glad to assist you with that. Would you please bear with me while I review your account?

    18:59erik laugeson:

    19:06erik laugeson:
    you still here oDE?

    19:09Ode O:
    I have several chats in queue, would you mind holding with me a couple more minutes?

    19:09erik laugeson:
    I UNDERSTAND yes sorry take your time bud

    19:15Ode O:
    I have several chats in queue, would you mind holding with me a couple more minutes?

    19:16Ode O:
    thanks for understanding

    19:21Ode O:
    thanks for holding , unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about the last tourney , but I can offer you to register tomorrow at 2:30pm EST , To following tourney (3062774) $10+1

    19:25erik laugeson:
    the screen said we all won a $44 satty erik laugeson:
    the screen said we all won a $44 satty

    19:28Ode O:
    that seat has already been played

    19:28erik laugeson:
    well I guess ill take it than thx

    19:29Ode O:
    I just re checked with the tournament department , and thats the only offer at the moment

    19:29Ode O:
    would you like me to register you for tomorrow ?

    19:29erik laugeson:
    can i get tourney bucks

    19:32Ode O:
    we do not have any more tournament bucks on our bucks Ode O:
    we do not have any more tournament bucks on our bucks

    19:33Ode O:
    on our site

    19:33Ode O:
    I apologize for the typo

    19:34erik laugeson:
    what time is other tourney you want to reg me in? Ode O:
    tomorrow at 2:30 pm EST

    19:39erik laugeson:
    ok if that all you can do NO cash? Ode O:
    No cash , thats all I can do at the moment

    19:40erik laugeson:
    thanks Ode save this pleasse
    <StephyMarieC> erik!!!!! yay you've always been one of my favorites hehe <scorcher863> i kinda want to smoke some meth, then play poker for like 3 days straight

  2. #2
    PokerOwned God greengiant's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Laugh My Ass Off potfan. You are a funny guy!

  3. #3
    Elite PokerOwned Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    your too nice potfan lol

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    lolololo good one bro. Acr has good customer support if theyd invest in some better software who knows what they could be!

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