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  1. #1
    Experienced Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Would like a small stake on poker stars New female member

    Hi I am a new member and a new play on poker stars my name is Crystal and I am 28yrs old. I would like to try and build a bank roll on poker stars and try to prove myself.

    For this stake I would like $5 dollars to start

    The games I would play are 2 $1 dollar spin and goes and 2 $1.50 6 player sit n goes.

    I will keep a good rail with tourney id with the place I finished and with how much money was won.

    I will give the backer 70% of winnings.

    Please if you can give me a shot at this to prove myself that would be great.

    If interested please pm me or respond to this thread.

    FUNDS CAN BE SHIP cangocanlon

    Thanks a lot.


  2. #2
    New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    i can do it but i have to send it paypal...i could send you $10 and you see how you do...for that amount you could also play some small sit and gos

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Admin Poof's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by timormson View Post
    i can do it but i have to send it paypal...i could send you $10 and you see how you do...for that amount you could also play some small sit and gos
    You should be very careful staking new members, and know there is no way to recover your money if the stake goes bad. There is no protection from this site, you are on your own.

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