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  1. #11
    Elite PokerOwned Member WECpoker's Avatar
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    As far as the guy not wanting the money, it is obvious he is perturbed, you should send what is owed immediately. If there was not a clear understanding that you were going to play another $3 in MTTs, you should pay that back also.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    it was agreed to run others we just didn't mention addon but we talked he was at work we spoke on yahoo messenger

  3. #13
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Ryan. If you read your first post here it should be clear that I sent you a entr?e fee with option for rebuy/addon. You keep mentioning yahoo messenger put you cant seem to post proof of those. I use yahoo messenger a lot but at the time you message me I was at work and so all those messages are on my cell not computer. If I can figure out to download them I will post. But the thing is if you truly are sincere you should be proving me wrong not me trying to prove your guilt.

    I am new on staking and because of your dishonest behavior and another player I am not sure if I should continue.

    In regards to yahoo messenger here is our conversation from the time I accepted your request to last message. Everything is as accurate to the grammer as shown on my yahoo messenger history.

    APRIL 22 11:26AM

    Contact Request Sent

    Contact Request Accepted

    APR 22 11:26AM

    YOU: Out of $1 got screwed AA vs K10 10 on flop K river

    APR 22 12:33PM

    YOU: I sent you 8

    APR 22 1:13PM

    ME: k

    APR 23 8:26AM

    YOU: Whats up

    APR 23 8;47AM

    ME: Sorry I was gonna take a day off but kept getting calls to do some work
    YOU: Cool no tourneys til later
    YOU: I was trying to do the 500grt
    YOU: trying to do 500grt and $2 6max
    YOU: was u taking a day of from staking or working
    ME: I am already on the road
    YOU: Cool
    ME: Work, been working the last 11 days 10plus hrs a day
    YOU: How long u gotta work today
    ME: Probably till 7 tonight
    ME: well here on job site. gotta do my estimate for the work
    YOU: dam that sucks u want in on 500grt I got some in my account if you wanna xfer later
    YOU: I'll give updates (NO UPDATES GIVEN

    APR 23 9:31APM

    Besides yahoo messenger you sent me a lot of messages on PO chat requesting a stake and offcourse I ignored you.

    Once again I don't care much of getting any money from you. It is the risk of me trusting and staking. The fact that you continue to say its all me made me realize that I should warn the community about you. offcourse U will just open another account and go on doing the same thing but at least people are aware that there are dishonest people here.
    Last edited by daaab671; 04-28-2014 at 11:41 PM.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zab View Post
    daaab671 did Ryan pay what he owes you?
    No he haven't. I don't care receiving any back from him. I'm only bringing this out to light because technically the guy is accusing me of being a liar. I accept the loses its, I only hope to weed out this community of dishonest people to make it safer for everyone.

  5. #15
    Elite PokerOwned Member WECpoker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by daaab671 View Post
    No he haven't. I don't care receiving any back from him. I'm only bringing this out to light because technically the guy is accusing me of being a liar. I accept the loses its, I only hope to weed out this community of dishonest people to make it safer for everyone.
    Don't you dare let him rip you off and keep the money unless you truly think he deserves it. But that is your business. But if you do not demand what is right, you will allow him to steal from others.

  6. #16
    Zab is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryangray420 View Post
    I paid him 8$ and ran 2 other tourneys the 2$ 6max and $1 mtt he was mad cuz I used my money for addon and took it off top. I offered to give him the $3 back but he said don't worry just don't plan on getting staked again.
    Okay good
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    Power hath descended forth from Thy hand. Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands.
    So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be.
    In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti."

  7. #17
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    I may have been in the wrong for using my money for addon and it wasn't discussed I just used my opinion and thought only way I could be in the running to win this tourney and stay at avg stack is to addon. My bad at that I never once said u was dishonest but I did give u updates via yahoo messenger im on a netbook and no way of screen shots or I dunno how to. Never tried to rip anyone off and im not a dishonest player im sorry if you believe that.

  8. #18
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    Saying you use your money for addon is only the tip of it because you could have said it was my money if you didn't make it in the money. If you told me that you did an add on with your money the moment you did it would have been different. You waited until the game was over and decided to tell me it was your cash that you did an addon with. Again the $8 that you sent me was close to what my share would have been.

    You played another tourny and minimum cashed for 3.90 which you said you will run on other tournies which you never updated me as I requested TID as well as outcomes. Only messages I got from the following day was ur wish to get freerolled once again since you cashed 3 for 3 for me. if this is true then you still owe me share from 2 other tournaments to include what you shorted of that $8 bucks you sent. But like I said I don't want any money back I am just upset that you think I'm making up stuff as if I have somthing to gain by doing so.
    Quote Originally Posted by Zab View Post
    Okay good
    Last edited by daaab671; 04-29-2014 at 10:05 PM.

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