I have been playing a fair amount on Merge since March 1st. Here is my graph:
Top line/blue line is profit excluding rake. Bottom/red line is profit. I get 35% RB, so if I run for you I will make more when added in. This graph is filtered from just March 1st - today/May 13th.
I am looking for someone interested in staking me 20 BIs @ $7.70 for the PLO8 ODs. Approximately 50% of my profit has come from plo8 sngs. this graph has 1 dip of $430, which was 2 BIs in the $215 Sunday 100k, which was run on 2 coupons, so I am actually up $430 + the $1107 it shows. Perhaps nobody is interested, but I would like to run a decent amount of these over the course of a week or two. We can talk splits if interested. HMU
*** Also willing/looking to run an mtt or two for somebody. I am fairly confident that we can make some $$$.
Results 1 to 7 of 7
05-13-2014, 05:09 PM #1
Looking for a stake package on BCP/ACR
05-14-2014, 06:43 PM #2
and if you hadn't of defaulted, I woulda
Like a puzzle with no edgez. 18:12 <PooffyFooffy> I miss Zab .!. 23:49 <RaiseWinPotFold> i miss invertedafro .!.
05-14-2014, 09:03 PM #3
Bump. I am killing games on Merge... lets make some $$$. All i would need is 20 BIs to run and almost certainly profit for both of us.
*** Also willing to do single game runs and try to bink something big for us.
05-15-2014, 07:54 PM #4
Just won a $5 plo8 mtt for $200. Still looking for a BCP shot, may not keep this up much longer if I request a check from Merge because i will then have no need to be backed. HMU
05-18-2014, 04:17 PM #5
As i discussed with you yesterday i will be interested in this, just have to wait about 2-3 weeks tops (hopefully less but that'll require me actually getting a win again lol), but when we do go thru this it'll probably start@10 buyin for the simple fact thatit'll take about 3 days to get that many tourneys to fill lol, I'd also want to include the nightly 400gtd PLO8, much more valuable and even softer game as the OD tends to get grinders while the 400 gets about 5-10 decent players, and 50 fish
I'll def be talking to you more bout it when I'm ready
Always Remember Your RootsMakeup Owed: http://www.pokerowned.com/forums/f31/makeup-thread-post-your-makeup-here-27604.html
05-19-2014, 02:33 PM #6
^^^ Yeah, I could probably get bye with 10 BIs, and I also would like to play the $400 gauranteed $7.70 nightly as well. HMU somebody... I would like to run this stake for 7-14 days, and I am sure that I could run it up to a decent amount with just a little run good. I have a large BR on Merge, but atm I don't want to cash-out.
06-02-2014, 05:04 PM #7
+ $1500 on Merge with a 25% roi, and + $1,000 on Revolution Network with a 97% roi in plo8. Looking for some plo8 $7.70 shots. Willing to talk splits based on the backer.