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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Lookin for backers!!! Small risk big reward

    Hello my name is David. I am looking for a stake on BCP or ACR my username for BCP is thepurp15 on acr it is MAYO. My best stats are from the poker stars days which is believed to be the toughest site on the web AND HAVE IMPROVED AND PLAYED EVERY DAY SINCE THE SHUTDOWN. The names i had on the were shikrb41 and dontbmayo!15 which you can sharkscope to see my POKERSTARS stats. I can multitable up to 15 sng tables and you can see the huge amount of volume i have in sngs. I am looking for a fair 50/50 stake plus org for sngs or cash games. INBOX ME IF INTERESTED!

  2. #2
    PokerOwned God potfan42o's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    ok illl start you off with 5.50 thats 5 sngs post a last hand and current bankroll pm u now
    <StephyMarieC> erik!!!!! yay you've always been one of my favorites hehe <scorcher863> i kinda want to smoke some meth, then play poker for like 3 days straight

  3. #3
    PokerOwned God potfan42o's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    if those take to long fill up play $1 od 50/50 sb deal
    <StephyMarieC> erik!!!!! yay you've always been one of my favorites hehe <scorcher863> i kinda want to smoke some meth, then play poker for like 3 days straight

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