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  1. #1
    Seasoned Veteran
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    An interesting Stake Request proposal - open for suggestions/input/feedback etc

    So, last time I was hanging around PO (and i bounce in from time to time just in chat) for a bit I started thinking I'd like to take part in a bunch of your freerolls.....well I don't seem to do so good on gaining points (I have an internet cap so mass running the radio for hours, or videos wouldn't be good even though its the easiest of the bunch), and surveys etc all wind up being a waste of my time as I get through so far and it says "oh not available for you" blah blah.

    I know PO has a loan marketplace thing for getting points loans but without being able to build points I can't exactly be gtd that I could get them paid back......thus my proposal for a stake of po points.

    Looking to see if anyone would be interested in staking me via points to play in the ACR freerolls? I can't make them all unless its on the weekends or whatnot but I am a solid player (played in an acr game today and got 8th i think it was, and the carbon 50$ rtr and got 7th) and am sure there would be a return that is beneficial for us both.

    I see around basically 500pts = 1$ so in essence a return of 1$ for 500pts staked would be a break even stake so here is my thoughts to start.

    2k pts, I will use them on acr only as its the only site with p2p. 100% of cashes are yours until the 4$ mark is reached, and after this split 70/30 in my favor of additional cashes. I'm sure there are many members of PO with lots of points and perhaps this might be of interest to someone and basically kind of a challenge that will have 2 benefits for me (be more involved around po, and build a br on ACR as with the exception of 2 recent fr cashes its empty).

    I know I am fairly unknown on PO, however I am very active on the cc forum and I know we have a number of cross forum members just from names I recognize.....I am well known over there and assure you if you can't trust me then certainly don't trust anyone.

    I look forward to answering any questions you might have and am open for suggestions with regards to my proposal as well if perhaps there might be issues with the terms I have indicated and summarized again below. Basically it could be looked at as selling your points with some risk that could produce a much better return than actually selling your points.

    Stake: 2k PO Points
    100% cashes to backer to the tune of 4$, once the 4$ has been reached additional cashes will be 70/30 in my favor.
    ACR freerolls only, I will have a rail thread whereby I will update with a track of the points spending and cashes etc so everything is tracked to know where the balances stand.


  2. #2
    Seasoned Veteran
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    no interest, no comments

    fwiw cashed another acr freeroll today (only 9th, but 65pts into 0.85$ ) but now out of points ..... will keep checking back on the thread from time to time and see if anyone has questions or any interest in my proposal.

  3. #3
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Mar 2014
    I will be willing to do this but for 1500 pts, and it would be $3 instead of $4. I agree to everything else has long as you stay proactive on your postings to the thread....keep track of all FR's played and what place you got, with first and last hand postings
    "If one wishes to become the master of an art he must transcend technique so that the art becomes an artless art growing out of the subconscious"

  4. #4
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Jul 2013
    hey str8suited, that sounds like it would work for me. Couple of questions myself, being I'm on the unfamiliar side with PO and how the stakes are done here etc.

    By first hand obv this would be considered the first hand I opt to put money into the pot, or first one to go to showdown, or just 1st hand in the game itself regardless of a fold pre or not? --- Seems like a stupid question but want to be sure I know exactly what is referred to as first hand, last hand i get either bust or the win basically.

    i guess with this being a pts thing whats the best process on here to handle this, I know points can be transferred via the market place and then at the end p2p on the site to transfer the $$ or is there a means here on PO for that to be recorded as i said certainly new to all the various functions like this on PO.

    I thank you in advance for this, its much appreciated and hope to win us both some $$ and start to build my name in staking as well among the members of PO. I will make a rail thread for the stake once everything has been confirmed on the arrangements and update as agreed.

  5. #5
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Mar 2014
    You can only P2P transfer funds on black chip poker or Americas card room. But don't worry we will discuss getting me the $3 and then my 30 percent when the time comes. But to start you need to goto the marketplace and set up the trade just put 1500 pts from str8suited you will not get the full amount because the site takes it's cut but it will be close to 1500 pts, I'm on here a lot so just keep me posted via bubble chat and post every tournament you buy in and keep a running tally of how many points you have and how much you make. And you got it right by first hand I mean the first hand of the tournament. Send me the link to your thread via PM. Good luck make this a good investment!
    "If one wishes to become the master of an art he must transcend technique so that the art becomes an artless art growing out of the subconscious"

  6. #6
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Jul 2013
    Yeah on the P2P, that's why I had outlined in my request that the points/stake would be the ACR freerolls just makes it less complicated when it comes time to square it up in the end that I be able to P2P on the site and where monies were made.

    Going to hold off on setting up the trade until you confirm that you are still interested, sorry if been any confusion but just want to keep it square and clear of any confusion...thanks.

  7. #7
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Jul 2013
    So for record Str8Suited and I have come to the following terms for the stake adjusted only slightly via # of points and return on those points from OP:

    Adjusted Terms:
    1500 PO points
    100% return to 3$, 70/30 profit split in my favor after initial 3$ return
    PO ACR freerolls as initially indicated will be the games for the stake.

    I will create a rail thread to track games played, pts balance and $$ won balance....will post minimum first and last hand from each game.

    *Note: Just received pts, thanks and hope to make use a great return on them.

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