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  1. #41
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    I love you guys.

    Busto AA on Q57hh. open 1600 pre, cbet 3,600 and 3bet jam over 7,200 raise to 35,000. and he had 77.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    tough spots all day... JJ 5 times and 3bet 4 of them. And won pots by down sizing my cbets twice with JJ. played my heart out. bumming. thanks everyone

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    thank u guys so much. i tried. played good poker. my busto hand with AA prolly worst played all day and still its a cooler. i was small balling all day in 3bet pots and then just had to decide tourney life or fold on Q57hh with AA no h. first time all in. and my opponent covered by a few hundred chips in a 72k pot. I took JJ and played 5 flops perfectly when overcard hit on four flops. and 4 of those hands i 3bet pre. folded JJ to AQ on Q103, folded JJ on Q105hh won JJ on K35cc cbetting in pos 3way 2k after I 3bet to 2.3k pre. squeezed JJ on button 4k after 1.6k open at 300/600 and a flat. and cbet HU 3.5k to win. not risking stack all day holding chips. picked off the only two bluffs I tried to on river. with J7 in bb limped on 973dd2cc3 5way. And 99 on an ace hi flop vs aggro c/c I call turn in pos. Whiffed AK twice for min losses. Squeezed KK at 25 100/200 after 500 open, two 500 flats to 2.7k. didn't hit a set all day played 77, 88, 77 early folded the few small pairs I got. one tough spot Ad7 before dinner break in BB limped pot 764dd I check call flop 2k into 3k and check folded 3way to Qc turn even tho I thought I was still good. he showed 7d so he prolly had lots of equity if not ahead. loved how I played JJ flatted at 50/100 to 250 oop and then as blinds got bigger made 4 perfect size 3bets and my cbets in 3bet pots on scary flops was good. I'm mostly upset I couldn't build a deep enough stack to not have to commit tourney life with AA there. thinking I was covered and watching dealer brutally miscount his stack that covered me by a few hundred was not fun. I'm not some dolt who can't play AA post flop. a 3bet jam isn't that ideal but wtf are my other options once I cbet from mp 3way. dry board I might check call but I have to punish draws. same reason I don't cbet smaller I wanna 3bet jam 35k over 8k to 10k flop raises
    Last edited by Sharking; 02-15-2014 at 09:51 PM.

  4. #44
    PokerOwned Master buonafide's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    I know I'm new so you don't know me, but tough break. You played as good as you could given the cards. Its been a great two months here for me, so if I hear stories of PO members getting into big tourneys, I'm going to be rooting for them. Especially because Foxwoods is my home court (at 2.5 hours away). You're going to take one down soon enough if you keep playing like that.

  5. #45
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    So everybody was talking about this is the chatbox sat did you do sharking?

  6. #46
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    sorry about my post...I couldn't see the thread until after i wrote it. tough break on the aa

  7. #47
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    so i think it should be addressed that is has been suggested that you didnt really even play this event. I want to make it clear that i am not the one suggesting this, but i owe 10k points and would like some sort of confirmation that you played. Where are the accusations that you didn't play coming from? what i mean is why would the person/people that have said u didn't play just make it up?

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

  9. #49
    New Member
    Join Date
    May 2014
    wow that would have been a good deal

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