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  1. #1
    PokerOwned Veteran hypknautiqah's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013

    For myself and other Raffle newbs

    so ive been here 3 months. used the raffle maybe 3-5x and even won like 800pts my first time. today i notice i had like 65 tickets but didnt want to use them just yet. i go back into it to see i have 2 left. what happened? apparently the tickets you get for doing tasks that take points away from you to issue the ticket are only good for a day. now think back to how many 25pt+ surveys or what ever u did to get those hard earned free raffle tickets because its all for nothing. yep that special promotion they give THEY TAKE IT BACK if you dont use it fast enough. At least do 2 weeks or something because i MUST have lost 1,000 tickets so far and I WANT THEM BACK!
    She touched her boob, than touched me, from the transative properties of algebra, I GOT BOOB!! -Steve Smith

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Pro jrs015's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Thank you for making this thread, I was unaware that you get free raffle tickets, so now im in on the next 4 raffles with alot of numbers.

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