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  1. #11
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Made 31.89.

    Sucks when u push twice and run into AA with your KK's and AK. F***ing b***$***

  2. #12
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    oh well it was fun...had to take a shot with those hands at the double up. Coulda made more, but had to take my chances.

    Only way to go in mtts is to try to win, not squeeze by with more cash. Thanks for the good luck guys.

  3. #13
    PokerOwned Pro
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Good Luck mate......hope u can make a comeback and a run at the FT!

  4. #14
    PokerOwned Pro
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    How'd that turn out senor?

  5. #15
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Ya i think I got 20 something paid 31.89. I bought in for 11, so this was a decent profit. I woulda liked to make it further. Oh well.

  6. #16
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    well maybe next time you will win toureny good luc to you

  7. #17
    Seasoned Veteran
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    I remember one freeroll for a seat for the 100k sunday tournament all i needed to do was finish top 100 and Id receive a seat. Well I was Chip leader for a huge portion of the tourney, when at that point I should have just sat out and blinded down because there is no benefit to getting 1st or getting 99th, other than bragging rights. Well it was down to the bubble and I was dealt AA I was like Ooo wee... I got shoved into by a guy with a similar sized stack. Instead of just waiting a few minutes and just wait to receive my seat. But I made the dumb move of calling and the guy had JTo and bangs 2 pair. Im down to a few blinds and end up getting knocked out in 101st!! oh man I wanted to throw my laptop! It was a valuable lesson learned. I also did something else with suited AK in a tournament where I was the bigstack. The action goes min raise, reraise, flat, and I repop it repping a big hand like AA or KK. One of the raisers laid their hand down and later tells me they had QQ, but I didnt take into account that one of the players in the hand was a little drunk. He tanks and says," Im here to gamble! I call!" Im like shit... he flips off JJ and i flop a flushdraw but brick the turn and river. It cost me making the money when I woulda been garunteed a nice payday if I just didnt play big pots. First place was a healthy 2500... Ive learned that following standard plays arent always +ev. Im learning that game flow and dynamics are huge factors in any poker game whether it be cash or tournaments. you can play any two cards if youve got the game flow under control

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