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  1. #1
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Is Deep in Tournament # #66875698 $250 Guaranteed 7th place 29 left...

    Hanging tough... card dead till JJ all in and no callers... $40k left...

  2. #2
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    ok 15 out of 19 - top 20 paid - gotta make it to 10th for next pay level - down to $24k....

  3. #3
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    fking hell. K8 in blind and ultra tight wad calls my all in in BB with A rag. I am 20% into river and miss flush draw. I usually wait for a better hand but I needed to move up 5 places to get to a better pay out - and the antes blinds were huge. I was extremely tight so surprised he called - he had just went all in with JJ the hand B4 - WTF are the odds he gets calling cards and makes the call HU.

    Crazy thing is I had 107 suited the hand B4 and folded to his JJ - I call I win and move into 10th. but who calls an UTG/all in with those cards? I definitely thought about it but knowing he's so fkn tight I knew I was beat.

    Tough tourney for blind stealing; hi-jack seat shoves on my BB - I say BS but fold ...HE shows me AA???!!! I had no where to hide in this tourney - always crushed pre flop. SO my last few hands were up against AA, JJ & A5s. Sad story is that I was in first place with $8500 for first hour...very tough to keep calling all ins and not stay in the money.

    15th out of 137 players
    Total prize: $4.53
    Total invested $3.10 (1 buy-in for $1.10, 1 quick add-on for $1, and a $5k chip add-on at break)
    Total Profit: $1.43 (...with huge upside if I was dealt any cards at all for last 2 hours)

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    congrats ..i hope you are make in final table

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