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  1. #1
    PokerOwned Demi-God HopsBar28's Avatar
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    May 2013

    Why you should care about the Supreme Court's Ruling this week

    Supreme Court strikes down limits on overall federal campaign donations

    So this means that a rich person could contribute the maximum amount towards every member of congress.
    That's a bad idea in any case, but in particular, it is bad for online poker and online gambling in general. Sheldon Adelson, the multibillionaire casino owner has sworn to line the pockets of everyone in Washington in his bid to "protect children and problem gamblers" from the evils of online gambling. He's got the money, and he's got the will. He also has a troop of lackeys through whom he can contribute far more than the $2600 cap per election.

    Mega-Donor Opens Wallet On The Hill To Kill Online Gambling

    There could be darker days for online poker ahead than we have yet witnessed.
    I'm not slurring my words. I'm talking in cursive. I believe the ladies find it to be quite elegant.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    I don't see Adelson getting enough traction to pass federal legislation, given that many other casino companies want to get in on the action.

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Jan 2014
    I don't think its that hard to let us play the game we love that ain't got nothing to do with the tea in China
    Ahndrri F.

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Master buonafide's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    whatever with poker - democracy is getting crucified and this is the final nail!

  5. #5
    PokerOwned Master
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    May 2013
    Adelson can say that but he just wants to get rid of online poker so players have to go to his casino. Screw him and his money. He needs to get a clue just like the US government.

  6. #6
    Elite PokerOwned Member WECpoker's Avatar
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    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by HopsnBarley28 View Post
    Why you should care about the Supreme Court's Ruling this week

    You shouldn't, really, it is more of the same

    The media is making a deal out of it, but it is nothing new and nothing different. Regardless of previous caps, if you haven't heard SuperPac's were/are THE loophole that obliterated the Caps. People could always give UNLIMITED funds to SuperPac's. So, the latest Supreme Court ruling really doesn't change anything. It juggles some structure around is all. Maybe it helps (donations to Senatorial and Congressional Committees which have become uncapped must be reported by name, whereas SuperPacs can be completely anonymous). The rich ran the political system before, and they will still run it.

  7. #7
    PokerOwned God
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    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by EddieTorr View Post
    I don't see Adelson getting enough traction to pass federal legislation, given that many other casino companies want to get in on the action.
    you hit the nail on the head and he is in vegas where it is already legal how do you think he got the campaign money to give

  8. #8
    PokerOwned God
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    Oct 2011
    vegas is loosing money because of economy and online poker now taking place there he is protected his own pockets because online poker there has probably hit him hard

  9. #9
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Apr 2014
    most people wont even go to a casino to play poker all they'll have is online

  10. #10
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Mar 2014
    I better move back to Japan

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